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autobus w języku angielskim

autobus noun

bus that is a motor vehicle


autobus przegubowy noun

articulated busnoun
articulated bus

autobus szkolny noun

school busnoun
transport for schoolchildren

autobus szynowy noun

self-propelled railway vehicle similar to a bus

autobus wahadłowy noun

shuttle busnoun
transport service

dokąd jedzie ten autobus?

where does this bus gowhere does this bus go

dworzec autobusowy noun

bus stationnoun
major bus stop, one that serves as a transfer point between a large number of routes

jak dostanę się na dworzec autobusowy?

how do I get to the bus stationhow do I get to the bus station?

nawalony jak autobus adjective

drunk as a skunkadjective

piętrowy autobus noun

double-decker busnoun
bus that has two levels of seating

przystanek autobusowy noun

bus stopnoun
a stop for public transport buses

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