słownik Angielsko-Polski »

bubble w języku polskim

bubble noun
spherically contained volume of air or other gas



bubble bath noun
bath in which an additive is poured into the water to create bubbles

płyn do kąpielinoun

bubble bath noun
soap-based product

płyn do kąpielinoun

bubble gum

guma do żucia

bubble wrap noun
cushioning material

folia bąbelkowanoun

folia pęcherzykowanoun

bubblegum noun
chewing gum


guma balonowanoun

dot-com bubble noun

bańka internetowanoun

filter bubble noun

bańka filtrującanoun

bańka informacyjnanoun

soap bubble noun
anything attractive but unsubstantial

bańka mydlananoun

soap bubble noun
sphere of soap water

bańka mydlananoun

speech bubble noun
rounded outline representing speech in a cartoon
