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язык bedeutet auf Englisch

носитель языка noun

native speaker(person who grew up with a particular language as their mother tongue)
[UK: ˈneɪ.tɪv ˈspiːkə(r)] [US: ˈneɪ.tɪv ˈspiːkər]

носительница языка noun

native speaker(person who grew up with a particular language as their mother tongue)
[UK: ˈneɪ.tɪv ˈspiːkə(r)] [US: ˈneɪ.tɪv ˈspiːkər]

обработка естественного языка noun

natural language processing(field concerning interaction with computers using natural languages)

общеславянский язык proper noun

Common Slavic(the last phase of Proto-Slavic)
proper noun

Slavonic(unrecorded ancestor of Slavic languages)
proper noun
[UK: slə.ˈvɒ.nɪk] [US: slə.ˈvɒ.nɪk]

общий язык noun

lingua franca [lingua francas](common language)
[UK: ˈlɪŋ.ɡwə.ˈfræŋk.ə] [US: ˈlɪŋ.ɡwə.ˈfræŋk.ə]

объектно-ориентированный язык noun

object-oriented languagenoun

объектный язык noun

object language(language speaking about objects rather than about language)

окинавский язык proper noun

Okinawan(Okinawan language)
proper noun

олений язык noun

hart's tongue(Asplenium scolopendrium)

османский язык proper noun

Ottoman Turkish(the variety of the Turkish language that was used as the administrative and literary language of the Ottoman Empire)
proper noun
[UK: ˈɒ.tə.mən ˈtɜːkɪʃ] [US: ˈɑː.tə.mən ˈtɝːkɪʃ]

острый язык noun

sharp tongue(speaking in a harsh manner)

палайский язык proper noun

Palaic(Indo-European language)
proper noun
[UK: palˈeɪɪk] [US: pælˈeɪɪk]

панджабский язык noun

Punjabi [Punjabis](language spoken in the Punjab region, in Northern India and eastern Pakistan)
[UK: pʌn.ˈdʒɑː.bɪ] [US: pən.ˈdʒɑː.biː]

пенджабский язык noun

Punjabi [Punjabis](language spoken in the Punjab region, in Northern India and eastern Pakistan)
[UK: pʌn.ˈdʒɑː.bɪ] [US: pən.ˈdʒɑː.biː]

пермские языки proper noun

Permic(group of Finnic languages)
proper noun
[UK: pˈɜːmɪk] [US: pˈɜːmɪk]

пехлеви язык proper noun

Pahlavi(the Middle Persian language rendered in Book Pahlavi)
proper noun
[UK: pˈɑːlavi] [US: pˈɑːlævi]

полабский язык proper noun

Polabian(West Slavic language)
proper noun

поцелуй с языком noun

French kiss(a kiss involving the tongue)
[UK: frentʃ kɪs] [US: ˈfrentʃ ˈkɪs]

почесать язык verb

bloviate(to speak or discourse at length in a pompous or boastful manner)
[UK: blˈʌvɪˌeɪt] [US: blˈʌvɪˌeɪt]

праиндоевропейский язык proper noun

Proto-Indo-European(ancestor language of most European and Indian languages)
proper noun
[UK: ˈprotə ˈɪn.dəʊ ˌjʊə.rə.ˈpɪən] [US: ˈprotə ˈɪndo.ʊ ˌjʊ.rə.ˈpiːən]

праславянский язык proper noun

Old Slavonic(Proto-Slavic)
proper noun

Proto-Slavicproper noun

Slavonic(unrecorded ancestor of Slavic languages)
proper noun
[UK: slə.ˈvɒ.nɪk] [US: slə.ˈvɒ.nɪk]

праязык noun

proto-language(common ancestor language)

придержать язык verb

bite one's tongue(prevent oneself from uttering a word)

hold one's tongue(refrain from talking about something, see also: shut up)
[UK: həʊld wʌnz tʌŋ] [US: hoʊld wʌnz ˈtəŋ]

прикусить язык verb

bite one's tongue(prevent oneself from uttering a word)

птичий язык noun

gibberish(unintelligible speech or writing)
[UK: ˈdʒɪ.bə.rɪʃ] [US: ˈɡɪ.bə.rɪʃ]

рабочий язык noun

working language(language with an official status in an international organization)

разновидность языка noun

variety [varieties](specific form of a language, neutral to whether that form is an accent, dialect, register, etc., and to its prestige level, see also: isolect; lect)
[UK: və.ˈraɪə.ti] [US: və.ˈraɪə.ti]

распускать язык verb

mouth off(to complain or otherwise express oneself in a loud, immoderate manner)
[UK: maʊθ ɒf] [US: ˈmaʊθ ˈɒf]

распустить язык verb

open one's big mouth(speak when it would be better to stay silent)

распустить язык verb

shoot one's mouth off(make reckless or exaggerated statements)

рипуарский язык proper noun

Ripuarian(West Germanic dialect)
proper noun

родной язык noun

mother tongue [mother tongues](one's native tongue)
[UK: ˈmʌð.ə(r) tʌŋ] [US: ˈmʌð.r̩ ˈtəŋ]

романский язык noun

Romance language(language descended from Latin)

румейский язык noun

Mariupol Greek(Greek dialect spoken in southeastern Ukraine)

рунглийский язык proper noun

Runglishproper noun

русинский язык proper noun

Rusyn(East Slavic language)
proper noun