Polnisch-Englisch Wörterbuch »

-o bedeutet auf Englisch


-erperson whose occupation is...


-erperson whose occupation is...


-er(with numbers, measurements or quantified sets) ranked by or having...


-ableable to be done


-atechemical derivative


-itea descendant of a specified historical person


-archyform of government or rule


-ariuma place associated with a specified thing


-erperson whose occupation is...


-erperson whose occupation is...


-estsecond-person singular present tense of verbs




-ishappended to adjectives

-oussuffix to form adjectives


-aseforms the names of enzymes


-biontdiscrete living organism that has a specified mode of living




-blastan immature cell or tissue






-erperson whose occupation is...




-cenesuffix indicating a geologic period










-ingact of doing something

-ingto form gerunds


-erperson whose occupation is...


-tionproducing a noun meaning the action or effect of a verb


-hoodcondition or state


-cidekiller of

-cidekilling of


-cytecell names and classifications


-iveadjectival suffix: of the nature of; tending to




-ferousproducing a certain material






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