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wielki meaning in English

wielki adjective

of a great size

advantageous or very favourable

great in size, and fine or imposing in appearance or impression

important title

very big, large scale

Wielki Aniuj

Bolshoy Anyuy

Wielki Brat noun

Big Brothernoun
a figurehead representing oppressive control

Big Brothernoun
unwarranted and invasive government surveillance

Wielki Czwartek

Holy Thursday

Wielki Czwartek noun

Maundy Thursdaynoun
Thursday before Easter

wielki ekran noun

big screennoun

silver screennoun
by extension, movies

Wielki Głód noun

1932–33 famine in Ukraine

wielki inkwizytor noun

Grand Inquisitornoun
lead official of the Inquisition

Wielki Kanion

Grand Canyon

Wielki kryzys noun

Great Depressionnoun
economic collapse

wielki książę noun

grand dukenoun
ruler or monarch of a grand duchy

grand princenoun
ruler's title

Wielki Londyn noun

Greater Londonnoun
administrative area

Wielki Mur Chiński noun

Great Wall of Chinanoun
Chinese fortification

Wielki Obłok Magellana noun

Large Magellanic Cloudnoun
largest satellite of Milky Way

wielki piec

blast furnace blastfurnace

wielki piec noun

blast furnacenoun
furnace where iron ore is smelted

Wielki Pies noun

Canis Majornoun
winter constellation of the northern sky

Wielki Piątek noun

Good Fridaynoun
The Friday before Easter Sunday, the commemoration of the day on which Christ was crucified

Wielki Post noun

Christian period of penitence before Easter

Wielki skok naprzód noun

Great Leap Forwardnoun
Great Leap Forward (in China)

Wielki Szatan noun

Great Satannoun
pejorative: United States of America

Wielki Tydzień noun

Holy Weeknoun
week preceding Easter

wielki wezyr noun

grand viziernoun
greatest minister of a sultan

wielki wybuch noun

big bangnoun
explosion creating a universe

Wielki Wybuch noun

Big Bangnoun
cosmic event

Wielki Wóz

Charles' Wain



Wielki Wóz noun

Big Dippernoun
bright circumpolar asterism of the northern sky

Wielki Zab

Great Zab

Wielki Zderzacz Hadronów noun


Wielkie Antyle

Greater Antilles

wielkie arkana noun

major arcananoun
Tarot cards


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