Polish-English dictionary »

rzym meaning in English

Rzym noun

city, capital of Italy

rzymianin noun

a native or resident of Rome

Rzymianin noun

a native or inhabitant of the Roman Empire

rzymianka noun

a native or resident of Rome

Rzymianka noun

a native or inhabitant of the Roman Empire

rzymski adjective

being a mixture of Ionic and Corinthian styles

of ancient Rome

of the script

of or from Rome

of or from the Roman Empire

rzymskie prawo noun

Roman lawnoun
legal system of Ancient Rome

rzymskokatolicki adjective

of the Roman Catholic church

Roman Catholicadjective
of or pertaining to the Roman Catholic Church

Roman Catholicadjective
of or pertaining to the Roman/Latin Rite

alka olbrzymia noun

great auknoun
Pinguinus impennis

Arka Przymierza

Ark of the Testimony

Arka Przymierza noun

Ark of the Covenantnoun
the sacred container, a gold-plated wooden chest

bezprzymiotnikowy adjective


błękitny nadolbrzym noun

blue supergiantnoun
a large blue giant

błękitny olbrzym noun

blue giantnoun
very luminous star

Cesarstwo Rzymskie noun

Roman Empirenoun
ancient Latin empire

Cesarstwo wschodniorzymskie noun

Eastern Roman Empirenoun

Cesarstwo Zachodniorzymskie noun

Western Roman Empirenoun

cyfra rzymska noun

Roman numeralnoun
numeral represented by letters

Cyfra rzymska noun

Roman numeralsnoun
system of numerals

czasznica olbrzymia

giant puffball

czerwony nadolbrzym noun

red supergiantnoun
type of star

czerwony olbrzym noun

red giantnoun
large red star

do wytrzymania adjective

able to be borne

dotrzymać obietnicy verb

hold up one's endverb
to fulfill one's promise or obligation

dotrzymać słowa

of one's wordthat keeps promises and tells the truth

dotrzymać słowa verb

keep one's wordverb

dotrzymać umowy verb

keep one's side of the bargainverb
fulfill a commitment as part of an agreement

dotrzymywać obietnicy verb

hold up one's endverb
to fulfill one's promise or obligation

dotrzymywać słowa

of one's wordthat keeps promises and tells the truth

dotrzymywać słowa verb

keep one's wordverb

dotrzymywać towarzystwa verb

keep someone companyverb
remain with someone

dotrzymywać umowy verb

keep one's side of the bargainverb
fulfill a commitment as part of an agreement

droga rzymska noun

Roman roadnoun
road built by the Romans

