Magyar-svéd orvosi szótár »

met svéd orvosi

MagyarSvéd orvosi
Meta-krezol [m-krezol] [Metacresolum] infoMeta-cresol, 3-methylphenol, used in pesticides, for vitamin E, antiseptics, preservatives in some insulin preparations

metakresol -en -er

metabiózis [metabiosis] infometabiosis, one organism is dependent on another for preparation of an environment in which it can live

metabios -en -erinfoen organism använder en efterlämnad del av en annan organisms kropp

metabolic clearance-sebessége infometabolic clearance rate, NESH, the rate at which a drug is removed from plasma[mg/min] divided by the concentration of that drug in the plasma [mg/ml]

metabol clearance-hastighet

metabolikus acidózis [acidosis metabolicus] infometabolic acidosis, a condition in which there is too much acid in the body fluids

metabolisk acidos

metabolikus alkalózis [alcalosis metabolicus] infometabolic alkalosis, a disease state where the body's pH is elevated to greater than 7.45 secondary to some metabolic process

metabolisk alkalos

metabolikus anomaliák infometabolic anomalies

metabola anomalier

metabolikus betegségek infometabolic diseases

metabola sjukdomar

metabolikus csontbántalom [osteopathia metabolica] infometabolic osteopathy, diseases caused by imbalances between bone formation and resorption and disorders in bone mineralization

metabolisk osteopati

metabolikus-szindróma [syndroma metabolica] infometabolic syndrome, a condition that includes a cluster of risk factors specific for cardiovascular disease

metabolt syndrom

metabórsav [Acidum metaboricum] infoMetaboric acid

metaborsyra -n metaborsyror

metacarpophalangealis ízület [articulatio metacarpophalangea] infometacarpophalangeal joint

knogled -en -er

metacarpophalangealis ízület [articulatio metacarpophalangealis] infometacarpophalangeal, MP, MCP, joint, 'the knuckle', is formed by the articulation of the metacarpal head and proximal phalanx

metakarpofalangealled -en -erinfoknogled, MCP-led

metacarpushoz és a phalanxokhoz tartozó [metacarpophalangealis] infometacarpophalangeal, of, relating to, or involving both the metacarpus and the phalanges

metacarpophalangeal -t -a [MCP]infometakarpofalangeal

Metadon [Methadonum] infoMethadone, used to treat moderate to severe pain

metadon -et

Metadon-hidroklorid [Methadoni hydrochloricum] infoMethadone hydrochloride, analgesic

metadonhydroklorid -en -er

metaizomér [ 1,3-izomer] infometaisomer, 1,3-izomer

metaisomer -en -er

metakrilsav-etil-akrilát-kopolimer [1:1] [Acidi methacrylici et ethylis acrylatis polymerisatum 1:1] infoMethacrylic Acid-Ethyl Acrylate Copolymer [1:1], an enteric coating [trigger pH 5.5]

metakrylsyra-etylakrylatsampolymer [1:1]

metakrilsav-metil-metakrilát-kopolimer [1:1] [Acidi methacrylici et methylis methacrylatis polymerisatum 1:1] infoMethacrylic acid-methyl methacrylate copolymer [1:1], Methacrylic Acid Copolymer, Type A–NF, an excipient used in pharmaceutical manufacturing

metakrylsyra-metylmetakrylatsampolymer [1:1]

metakrilsav-metil-metakrilát-kopolimer [1:2] [Acidi methacrylici et methylis methacrylatis polymerisatum 1:2] infoMethacrylic acid–methyl methacrylate Copolymer [1:2], an enteric film forming agent and tablet binder

metakrylsyra-metylmetakrylatsampolymer [1:2]

metakrilát-kopolimer infomethacrylate copolymer, used as food additives [E1205, E1206, E1207]

metakrylatsampolymer -en -er

metakromatikus leukodystrofia [leucodystrophia metachromatica] infometachromatic leukodystrophy, MLD, a rare hereditary disease, accumulation of fats [sulfatides], causes the destruction of the protective fatty layer [myelin sheath] surrounding the nerves

metakromatisk leukodystrofi [MLD]

Metakvalon [Methaqualonum] [R] infoMetaqualone, a sedative

metakvalon -et

Metaldehid [Metaldehydum] infoMetaldehyde, a pesticide against slugs and snails

metaldehyd -en

metalloendopeptidáz infometalloendopeptidase enzyme, catalyzes the addition of water to a peptide bond

metalloendopeptidas -en -erinfoenzym

metalloprotein infometalloprotein, a large group of proteins containing one or more atoms of metal bound to specific sites in the polypeptide chain

metalloprotein -et -er

metalloproteináz infometalloproteinase enzyme, metalloprotease enzyme, use protein-bound metal ion[s] and a coordinated water molecule to catalyze the addition of water to a peptide bond

metalloproteinas -en -erinfoenzym

metalloproteináz [metalloproteinase] infometalloproteinase [metalloproteinase

metalloproteinas -en -erinfoenzym

Metamfetamin [Methamphetaminum] infoMethamphetamine, a potent central nervous system [CNS] stimulant that is mainly used as a recreational drug

metamfetamin -et · -en -er [met]infobruh, metatjack

metamielocita [fiatal [Jugend] granulocyta] [metamyelocyta] infometamyelocyte, a cell undergoing granulopoiesis, derived from a myelocyte, and leading to a band cell

metamyelocyt -en -er

metamin… infoMetamin, used for type 2 diabetes mellitus


Metamizol-nátrium [Metamizolum natricum] infoMetamizole sodium, applied in the therapy of pain of different etiology, of spastic conditions, especially affecting the digestive tract, and of fever refractory to other treatments

metamizolnatrium -et · metamizolnatriet

Metanefrin [Metanephrinum] infoMetanephrine, Metadrenaline, a metabolite of epinephrine [adrenaline]


metanefros · maradó vese · utóvese [metanephros] infometanephros, residual kidney, post kidney

metanefros -en

metaphysis-gyulladás [metaphysitis] infometaphysitis, Inflammation of the metaphysis of a bone

inflammation i metafysen

metapneumoniás · tüdőgyulladáshoz csatlakozó · tüdőgyulladást követő [pl. empyema] [metapneumoniacus] infometapneumonic, secondary to pneumonia

metapneumonisk -t -a

Metaraminol [Metaradrine] infoMetaraminol, a potent sympathomimetic amine, increases both systolic and diastolic blood pressure, indicated for prevention and treatment of the acute hypotensive state occurring with spinal anesthesia

metaraminol -en

metastatizáló góc-encephalitis infometastatic focal encephalitis

metastaserande focal enkefalit

metatalamusz [metathalamus] infometathalamus, a composite structure of the thalamus, consisting of the medial geniculate nucleus and the lateral geniculate nucleus

metathalamus -en

metatarsalis csont műtéti eltávolítása [metatarsectomia] infometatarsectomy, surgical removal of the metatarsus or a metatarsal bone

kirurgiskt avlägsnande av metatarsala ben

metatarsofalangeális ízület [articulatio metatarsophalangealis] infometatarsophalangeal joint, MTP joint, toe knuckles, joints between the metatarsal bones of the foot and the proximal bones [proximal phalanges] of the toes

metatarsofalangealled -en -er