Magyar-svéd orvosi szótár »

kiemelkedő [pl. orr, áll] [acralis, prominens] svéd orvosi

MagyarSvéd orvosi
áll [av-något-valamiben, -valamiből] [consistere in + abl] infoconsists of

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orr-gégetükör [rhinolaryngoscopum] [T] inforhinolaryngoscope, a scope fitted with mirrors and a lighting system used for examination of the nose and larynx

rinolaryngoskop -et -

orr körüli [perinasalis] infoperinasal, near the nose

omgivande näsan

orr diphtheria [P: Corynebacterium diphtheriae][nasal diphtheria] infonasal diphtheria, a mild .chronic illness,a nasal discharge which starts out clear but later becomes blood-stained, cutaneous diphtheria affects the skin, and usually appears as small ulcers on exposed limbs, particularly the legs

nasal difteri

orr mögötti [retronasalis] inforetronasal, pertaining to the back of the nose

bakom näsan

orr-garatüreg [naspharynx] infonasopharynx, the top part of the pharynx, a muscular, box-shaped passageway behind the nose

nasopharynx - -infonaso-farynx: håligheter bakom näshålan ovanför gommen

orr-garatrák infonasopharyngeal cancer

näs-svalgkancer -n näs-svalgcancrar

orr-gyomorszonda [T] infonasogastric tube, in order to maintain healthy levels of fluid

nasogastrisk sond

orr-garatcysta [cysta nasopharyngealis] infonasopharyngeal, relating to the upper part of the pharynx, connecting with the nasal cavity above the soft palate

nasofarynx cysta

belső orr [nasus internus, olfactorum] infointernal nose, the internal part of the nose is the nasal cavity

inre näsaninfoluktorgan

áll előreállása [f.r.] [progenia] infoprogenia, mandibular prognathism, anterior positioning or overdevelopment of the mandible

framskjutande haka

mozgatóidegekből áll [consistere in nervis motoricis] infoconsists of motor nerves

bestå av motoriska nerver

arclécen kiemelkedő dudor [tuber faciale, tuber malare] infomalar tubercle, Whitnall's tubercle, a caudally protruding tubercle located on the inferior margin of the maxilla and zygo- matic bone in the region of the ZS

upphöjning på ansiktsknölinfohos ruminanter

orr-szempilla ideg [nervus nasociliaris] infonasociliary nerve, a branch of the ophthalmic nerve, CN V1

nervus nasociliaris

orr-garatűri gyulladás [nasopharyngitis] infonasopharyngitis, inflammation of the nasopharynx

nasopharyngit -en -erinfoinflammation i näsa o. svalg

orr-garat myiasis [P: Dermatobia hominis lárvák] [myiasis nasopharyngealis] infonasopharyngeal myiasis, nosocomial myiasis, larvae are moving out of the nasal cavity

nasofaryngal myiasisinfonasofaryngeal myiasis

orr-garat diftéria [diphtheria nasopharyngealis] infonasopharyngeal diphtheria, the tonsillar infection spreads to the nose and throat structures, causing septicemia

difteri i nasofarynx

orr-garat diphtheria [diphtheria nasopharyngealis] infonasopharyngeal diphtheria, in diphtheria the tonsillar infection spreads to the nose and throat structures, sometimes completely covering them with the membrane and causing septicemia

nasofarynx difteri

orr-szájpadlási rés [canalis nasoplatinus] infonasopalatine canal, NPC, a passage located in the premaxilla region connecting the hard palate to the nasal floor

nasoplatinal kanal

orr-ajak barázda [sulcus nasolabialis] infonasolabial folds, creases in the skin extending from both sides of the nose to the corners of the mouth

fåra vid näsvinge

orr mögötti hurut [catarrhus retronasalis] infopostnasal drip syndrome, overproduction of mucus in the paranasal sinuses, which leads to a build-up in the pharynx

retronasalkatarr -en -erinfokatarr bakom näsan

orr-szájpadlási járat [ductus incisivus, ductus nasopalatinus] infoincisive duct, an infrequent rudimentary duct, or protrusion of mucous membrane into the incisive canal

kanal som förbinder näshålan med munhålan

orr-garat daganat [tumor nasopharyngealis] infonasopharyngeal tumor

näs-svalgtumör -en -er

áll alatti mirigy [glandula submaxillaris] infosubmaxillar gland, submandibular gland, located along the side of the lower jawbone

submaxillarkörtel -n submaxillarkörtlarinfosubmaxillär körtel: spottkörteln bakom underkäkens nedre rand

áll alatti vezeték [ductus submandibularis] infosubmandibular duct, Warhton's duct, enter the floor of the mouth under the the front of the tongue

submandibulär kanalinfoWharton kanal, utförsgången från underkäksspottkörteln

lovak orr-tüdőgyulladása [P: Equine herpesvirus [EHV-1, EHV-4]] [rhinopneumonitis] infoequine rhinopneumonitis, rhinopneumonitis, the infection is extremely widespread in horses

ekvin rinopneumonit

áll-torok távolság [distantia mento-jugularis] infochin-throat distance

avstånd haka-jugulum

heveny orr-garatgyulladás [nasopharyngitis acuta] infocommon cold

coryza -n

ujj-orr-teszt infofinger nose proprioceptive test, FNPT, used to assess coordinated, target-driven movement of the upper limb

finger-näs testinfofingertoppskänsla

ajak-áll-szájpadhasadék [cheilognathopalatoschisis] infocleft lip and cleft palate

cheilognatopalatoschizis -ninfoläpp-, käk- och gomdefekter

fal-áll irányú [parieto-mentalis] infoparieto-mental

parieto-mental -t -a

bőrből kiemelkedő tartós erythema [erythema elevatum diutinum] infoerythema elevatum diutinum, EED, a rare, chronic dermatosis that is characterized by red–violet to red–brown papules, plaques, and nodules that favor the extensor surfaces

erythema elevatum diutinum

vermis cerebelli kiemelkedő része [culmen monticuli cerebelli, cacumen, culmen] infoculmen monticuli cerebellum, the central portion of the superior vermis forming a projection on the surface of the cerebellum; its anterior and most prominent portion

översta daggmaskdelen

orr-kemény szájpadlási ciszta [cysta nasopalatinalis] infonasopalatine cyst, spontaneous cystic degeneration of residual ductal epithelium is the most likely etiology

nasopalatinal cysta

orr-légcső nyálkahártya gyulladás [rhinotracheitis] inforhinotracheitis, inflammation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa

rinotrakeit -en -er

áll alatti nyálmirigyek gyulladása [sialoadenitis submandibularis] infosubmandibular sialadenitis, inflammation of the submandibular gland

submandibulär sialadenit

felső hátulsó orr idegek [nervi nasales posteriores superiores] infosuperior posterior nasal nerves

övre bakre nasala nerver

borjak enzootiás orr-légcsőgyulladása [rhinotracheitis enzootica] inforhinotracheitis in cows, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis, IBR

enzootisk bovin rinotrakeit

diszharmonizál · ellentétben áll infodisharmonize, contrast

disharmoniera -de -t

orr és gége nyálkahártya gyulladása [rhinolaryngitis] inforhinolaryngitis, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose and pharynx

inflammation i näsan och laryngeala slemhinnor