Magyar-svéd orvosi szótár »

bal szemére kancsal svéd orvosi

MagyarSvéd orvosi
kancsalság [cyclophoria, loxophthalmus, strabismus rotatorius] infocyclophoria, a form of heterophoria in which the vertical axis of the eye rotates to the right or left

cyklofori -n

kancsalság [endophoria] infoendophoria, inward deviation of the eye usually due to extra-ocular muscle imbalance

endofori -n

kancsalság [exophoria, strabismus divergens latens] infoexophoria, an eye condition that affects binocular vision and eye alignment

exofori -n

bal kamraelégtelenség [insufficientia ventriculi [cordis] laevae, - sinistrae] infoleft ventricular heart failure

vänsterkammarsvikt -en -ar

bal szívfél infoleft heart

vänsterhjärta -t -ninfovänster förmak o. kammare tillsammans

bal gyomorfonat [plexus gastricus sinister] infoleft gastric plexus

vänster gastric plexus

bal májlebeny [lobus hepatis sinister] infoleft liver lobe

vänster leverlob

bal főhörgő [bronchus principalis sinister] infoleft bronchus

vänstra bronken

bal szívkamra infoleft heart ventricle

vänstersidig hjärtkammare

bal fülcse [auricula cordis sinistra] infoauricula, uricula sinistra, left auricular appendix

vänster hjärtöra

bal szívszindróma infoleft heart syndrome,

vänsterkammarsyndrom -et -

bal hörgő [bronchus sinister] infoleft bronchus

vänster bronk

bal kamra [ventriculus [cordis] sinister] infoleft ventricle, main chamber of the heart

vänster kammare

bal pitvar [atrium [cordis] sinistrum] infoleft atrium

vänster förmak

bal szívpitvar [atrium cordis inistrum] infoleft atrium

vänster atrium

bal szívkamra [ventriculus cordis sinister] infoleft ventricle

vänstra kammaren

bal szívpitvar [atrium cordis sinistrum] infoleft atrium

vänstra förmaket

bénulásos kancsalság [strabismus paralyticus] infoparalytic strabismus, inability of the ocular muscles to move the eye because of muscular paralysis

paralytisk skelning

rejtett kancsalság [heterophoria] infoheterophoria, latent squint, latent strabismus in which one eye tends to deviate either medially or laterally

dold skelning

széttérő kancsalság [exotropia, strabismus divergens] infodivergent strabismus, one or both eyes are directed outward, exotropia, walleye. type of: squint, strabismus. abnormal alignment of one or both eyes

divergerande skelninginfoögonen vända utat

összetérő kancsalság [esotropia, strabismus convergens] infoeye misalignment, one or both eyes turn inward

inåtskelning -en -ar

kísérő kancsalság [strabismus concomitans] infoaccompanying squint

medföljande skelning

kisérő kancsalság [strabismus comitans, heterotropia] infocomitant strabismus develops most commonly in early childhood but can do so at any age particularly in the presence of monocular visual loss

komitant skelninginfovinkeln mellan ögonen är konstant

bal-jobb-sönt infoleft-to-right shunt, abnormal connection between the right and left side of the heart

vänster-högershunt -en -arinfovänster-höger-shunt

bal torkolati köteg [truncus jugularis sinister] infotruncus jugularis sinister, collects lymph from the left half of the neck and head, flow into the cervical part of the thoracic duct

vänster jugulär bunt

bal posterior hemiblokk [BPH] infoleft posterior fascicular block, obstruction in the transmission of electrical impulses in the left ventricle of your heart

vänster bakre fascikelblockinfoblockering av den bakre grenen av vänster skänkel

bal anterior hemiblokk [BAH] infoleft anterior fascicular block

vänster främre fascikelblockinfoblockering av den främre grenen av vänster skänkel

bal sacroanterior tartás infoleft sacroanterior position, LSA

vänster sacroanterior läge

bal szélső májlebeny [lobus hepatis sinister lateralis] infoleft lateral branch, represented by more vessels, supplying the large, left lateral lobe of the liver

leverns vänstra yttre flik

bal kamra kiöblösödés [diverticulum ventriculi [cordis] laevae, - sinistrae] infoleft ventricular diverticulum, outpouching structure that contains endocardium, myocardium, and pericardium and displays normal contraction

vänsterkammardivertikel -n vänsterkammardivertiklar

bal anoním-véna [vena anonyma sinistra, vena brachiocephalica] infobrachiocephalic vein, a larger, paired vein in the upper thoracic region arising from the confluence of the internal jugular vein and the subclavian vein

slutgren till vena cava superior

bal oldali szárblokk infoleft-sided fascicle block

vänstersidigt skänkelblock

bal elülső álltartás infoleft mentoanterior position, LMA

vänster mentoanterior läge [LMA]

bal szívkamra-megnagyobbodás [hypertrophia ventriculi sinistri cordis] infoleft ventricular hypertropy

vänstersidig hjärtkammarförstoring

máj bal lebenye [lobus sinister hepatis] infoleft lobe of the liver smaller and more flattened than the right

leverns vänster flik

vastagbél bal görbülete [flexura coli sinistra] infoleft colic flexure, splenic flexure, is closes to the spleen

vänster krökning av tjocktarmen

jobb-bal shunt infoleft-to-right shunt allows the oxygenated, pulmonary venous blood to return directly to the lungs rather than being pumped to the body

höger-vänstershunt -en -arinfohöger-vänster shunt

szemérem-farokcsonti izom [musculus pubococcygeus] infopubococcygeus, a muscle that stretches backward from the pubes toward the coccyx and forms part of the pelvic floor

pubococyggeus -eninfoPC-muskeln

kifelé forduló kancsalság [excyclotropia] infoexcyclotropia, a type of cyclotropia in which the upper poles of the globes are rotated outward to each other

excyclotropia -

konvergens konkomitáns kancsalság [strabismus concomitans convergens] infoconvergent concomitant squint, the deviating eye is directed inwards

konvergent konkomitant skelning