Lengyel-Angol szótár »

tylko angolul

tylko adverb

all ofadverb

by a small margin

only, simply, merely

only, just, and nothing more

nothing butadverb
nothing but

as recently as

no more than

without others or anything further; exclusively

in a limited manner

tylko jeżeli

only ifnot unless

tylko poczekaj

just you wait

czy tylko ja tak myślę?

is it just me

dokąd tylko

whereverin any place, anywhere

gdy tylko

as soon asimmediately after

onceas soon as

gdyby tylko

I wishI would very much like that to be so

gdzie tylko

whereverin any place, anywhere

jak tylko

as soon asimmediately after

onceas soon as

kiedy tylko

as soon asimmediately after

onceas soon as

nie tylko … ale też

not only … but also

nie tylko … lecz także

not only … but also

nóż motylkowy noun

butterfly knifenoun
folding pocket knife

pamięć tylko do odczytu noun

read-only memorynoun
memory chip that stores values but doesn't allow updates

styl motylkowy noun

butterfly strokenoun
swimming stroke

tak tylko mówię adverb

just sayingadverb
used to deflect responsibility for a hurtful remark

to tylko moje zdanie

your mileage may varythis is just my opinion

wtedy i tylko wtedy

if and only ifimplies and is implied by

zawór motylkowy

butterfly valve

żyje się tylko raz

you only go around oncea person has only one lifetime

Korábban kerestél rá