Lengyel-Angol szótár »

-ko angolul

dobra konsumpcyjne noun

consumer goodnoun
goods that consumers buy

dodatkowa korzyść noun


benefit beyond salary

doktor Kościoła

Doctor of the Church

dom na łkach noun

mobile homenoun
prefabricated home

doprowadzić kogoś do szału verb

drive someone up the wallverb

droga kołowania noun

road or path on an airport for taxiing

drut kolczasty noun

barbed wirenoun
twisted strands of steel wire

dualizm korpuskularno-falowy

wave-corpuscle duality

dualizm korpuskularno-falowy noun

wave-particle dualitynoun
concept applying to matter and radiation

dworzec kolejowy

railroad station

train station

dworzec kolejowy noun

portion of a passenger railway terminal not housing the tracks and platforms, comprising ticket counters, baggage facilities, etc.

dwuznaczny komplement noun

backhanded complimentnoun
insult disguised as a compliment

Dystrykt Kolumbii noun

District of Columbianoun
federal capital of the United States of America

dział kalkulacji kosztów noun

cost centernoun

działać na czyjąś korzyść verb

play into someone's handsverb
to act to someone's advantage

działo kolejowe noun

railway gunnoun
large mobile artillery gun on railway

dzień kobiet noun

International Women's Daynoun
holiday celebrated on March 8

dziewczyna-kot noun

female character with feline characteristics

ejakulacja u kobiet noun

female ejaculationnoun
forceful expulsion of fluids from the vagina

eksploracja kosmosu noun

space explorationnoun
investigation of space

entliczek pentliczek czerwony stoliczek na kogo wypadnie na tego bec noun

eeny, meeny, miny, moenoun
similar children's counting-out games in other languages

fortuna kołem się toczy

what goes around comes aroundactions have consequences

galaretek kolczasty noun

toothed jelly fungusnoun
mushroom, Pseudohydnum gelatinosum

gdy kota nie ma, myszy harcują

when the cat's away the mice will playin the absence of a controlling entity, subordinates will take advantage of circumstances

while the cat is away, the mice will play

gdyby zka nie skakała, toby nóżki nie złamała

better safe than sorryit is preferable to be cautious

gest Kozakiewicza noun

bras d'honneurnoun
obscene gesture

gładzik kowalski noun


goździkowiec korzenny noun

Syzygium aromaticum

gra komputerowa noun

computer gamenoun
electronic game

gra na komórkę noun

mobile gamenoun
electronic game played using a cellular phone

gra na telefon komórkowy noun

mobile gamenoun
electronic game played using a cellular phone

grafika komputerowa noun

computer graphicsnoun
representation and manipulation of pictures by computer

Grecki Kościół Prawosławny noun

Greek Orthodox Churchnoun
group of Eastern Orthodox churches

grosz do grosza, a będzie kokosza

look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves

take care of the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselvesif you take care of little things one at a time, they can add up to big things

grupa kontrolna noun

control groupnoun
group of test subjects left untreated

grupa koordynująca noun

steering groupnoun
A committee that arranges the schedule of business for a legislative assembly or other organization