Lengyel-Angol szótár »

-ci angolul




-ingact of doing something

-ingto form gerunds


-erperson whose occupation is...




-anof or pertaining to

-eseforming adjectives and nouns describing things characteristic of a particular place

-icNote: these translations are a guide only. For more precise translations, see individual words ending in -ic

-ishappended to words


-ideany of a group of related compounds


-ideany of a group of related compounds


-icsfields of knowledge or practice




-itea salt or ester of an acid whose name ends in -ous


-istA person who holds biased views

-istA person who uses something

-istOne who follows a particular ideology, doctrine, belief system or theory


-istA person who holds biased views

-istA person who uses something

-istOne who follows a particular ideology, doctrine, belief system or theory


-estsecond-person singular present tense of verbs


-iteused to form names of minerals and rocks


-itea descendant of a specified historical person




-isma principle, belief or movement



a to ci dopiero interjection

mild expression of surprise or enthusiasm

bawić się w ciuciubabkę

play blind man's buff

bez cienia wątpliwości

beyond a shadow of a doubtwithout any doubt or hesitation

without a shadow of a doubt

bez cioci adjective


białe ciałko krwi noun

white blood cellnoun
cytology: a type of blood cell that is involved with an immune response

biologia ciemności noun

the study of the effects of darkness on living organisms, and on biological processes

Boże Ciało noun

Corpus Christinoun
festival in honour of the Eucharist

brak cierpliwości noun

quality of being impatient

brakuje mi ciebie

I miss youI miss you

brodziec ciemnorzytny noun

solitary sandpipernoun
Tringa solitaria

budowa ciała noun


general health of a person

błagam cię adverb

expression of annoyance or impatience