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megragad vkt (átv) meaning in English

Auto translate:

grab vkt (av)
megragad ige

grab [grabbed, grabbing, grabs]◼◼◼verb
[UK: ɡræb] [US: ˈɡræb]

seize [seized, seizing, seizes]◼◼◼verb
[UK: siːz] [US: siːz]

grasp [grasped, grasping, grasps]◼◼◼verb
[UK: ɡrɑːsp] [US: ˈɡræsp]
The other grasped his arm. = A másik megragadta a karját.

snatch [snatched, snatching, snatches]◼◼◻verb
[UK: snætʃ] [US: ˈsnætʃ]

catch [caught, caught, catching, catches]◼◼◻irregular verb
[UK: kætʃ] [US: ˈkætʃ]

embrace [embraced, embracing, embraces]◼◼◻verb
[UK: ɪm.ˈbreɪs] [US: em.ˈbreɪs]
The opportunity to learn a new skill is something you should embrace with enthusiasm. = A lehetőség, hogy megtanulj egy új készséget, olyasmi, amit lelkesedéssel kell megragadnod.

grip [gripped, gripping, grips]◼◼◻verb
[UK: ɡrɪp] [US: ˈɡrɪp]

take [took, taken, taking, takes]◼◼◻irregular verb
[UK: teɪk] [US: ˈteɪk]

captivate [captivated, captivating, captivates]◼◼◻verb
[UK: ˈkæp.tɪ.veɪt] [US: ˈkæp.tɪ.ˌvet]

bite [bit, bitten, biting, bites]◼◼◻irregular verb
[UK: baɪt] [US: ˈbaɪt]

tackle [tackled, tackling, tackles]◼◼◻verb
[UK: ˈtæk.l̩] [US: ˈtæk.l̩]

apprehend [apprehended, apprehending, apprehends]◼◻◻verb
[UK: ˌæ.prɪ.ˈhend] [US: ˌæ.prə.ˈhend]

prey [preyed, preying, preys]◼◻◻verb
[UK: preɪ] [US: ˈpreɪ]

possess [possessed, possessing, possesses]◼◻◻verb
[UK: pə.ˈzes] [US: pə.ˈzes]

grab at◼◻◻verb
[UK: ɡræb ət] [US: ˈɡræb ət]

grapple [grappled, grappling, grapples]◼◻◻verb
[UK: ˈɡræp.l̩] [US: ˈɡræp.l̩]

clamp [clamped, clamping, clamps]◼◻◻verb
[UK: klæmp] [US: ˈklæmp]

grab hold of◼◻◻verb
[UK: ɡræb həʊld əv] [US: ˈɡræb hoʊld əv]

[UK: ˈbɪt.n̩] [US: ˈbɪt.n̩]

claw [clawed, clawing, claws]◼◻◻verb
[UK: klɔː] [US: ˈklɒ]

[UK: vaɪs] [US: ˈvaɪs]

grab for◼◻◻verb
[UK: ɡræb fɔː(r)] [US: ˈɡræb ˈfɔːr]

clasp [clasped, clasping, clasps]◼◻◻verb
[UK: klɑːsp] [US: ˈklæsp]

seize on◼◻◻verb
[UK: siːz ɒn] [US: siːz ɑːn]

stick in◼◻◻verb
[UK: stɪk ɪn] [US: ˈstɪk ɪn]

pounce [pounced, pouncing, pounces]◼◻◻verb
[UK: paʊns] [US: ˈpaʊns]

clench [clenched, clenching, clenches]◼◻◻verb
[UK: klentʃ] [US: ˈklentʃ]

adhere [adhered, adhering, adheres]◼◻◻verb
[UK: əd.ˈhɪə(r)] [US: əd.ˈhɪr]

get a hold of◼◻◻verb
[UK: ˈɡet ə həʊld əv] [US: ˈɡet ə hoʊld əv]

gripe [griped, griping, gripes]verb
[UK: ɡraɪp] [US: ˈɡraɪp]

[UK: fæŋ] [US: ˈfæŋ]

clinch [clinched, clinching, clinches]verb
[UK: klɪntʃ] [US: ˈklɪntʃ]

jump toverb

truss [trussed, trussing, trusses]verb
[UK: trʌs] [US: ˈtrəs]

catch a hold ofverb
[UK: kætʃ ə həʊld əv] [US: ˈkætʃ ə hoʊld əv]

catch a-hold ofverb
[UK: kætʃ ə həʊld əv] [US: ˈkætʃ ə hoʊld əv]

[UK: klˈaft] [US: klˈæft]

[UK: enrˈavɪʃ] [US: enrˈævɪʃ]

fasten onverb
[UK: ˈfɑːs.n̩ ɒn] [US: ˈfæs.n̩ ɑːn]

fasten uponverb
[UK: ˈfɑːs.n̩ ə.ˈpɒn] [US: ˈfæs.n̩ ə.ˈpɑːn]