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megnősül meaning in English

megnősül ige

get married◼◼◼verb
[UK: ˈɡet ˈmæ.rɪd] [US: ˈɡet ˈme.rid]

marry [married, marrying, marries]◼◼◼verb
[UK: ˈmæ.ri] [US: ˈme.ri]
They intend to marry tomorrow. = Holnap akarnak megnősülni.

wed [wedded, wedding, weds]◼◼◻verb
[UK: wed] [US: ˈwed]

take a wifeverb
[UK: teɪk ə waɪf] [US: ˈteɪk ə ˈwaɪf]

get a wifeverb
[UK: ˈɡet ə waɪf] [US: ˈɡet ə ˈwaɪf]

change one's conditionverb
[UK: tʃeɪndʒ wʌnz kən.ˈdɪʃ.n̩] [US: ˈtʃeɪndʒ wʌnz kən.ˈdɪʃ.n̩]

go off the hooksverb
[UK: ɡəʊ ɒf ðə hʊks] [US: ˈɡoʊ ˈɒf ðə ˈhʊks]

range oneselfverb
[UK: reɪndʒ wʌn.ˈself] [US: ˈreɪndʒ wʌn.ˈself]

wed a womanverb
[UK: wed ə ˈwʊ.mən] [US: ˈwed ə ˈwʊ.mən]

[UK: waɪv] [US: waɪv]

megnősül ige

[UK: kənjˈuːbɪəlˌaɪz] [US: kənˈuːbɪəlˌaɪz]

újból megnősül ige

remarry [remarried, remarrying, remarries]◼◼◼verb
[UK: ˌriː.ˈmæ.ri] [US: ri.ˈme.ri]