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elveihez meaning in English

elveihez hűen cselekszik

act up to one's principles[UK: ækt ʌp tuː wʌnz ˈprɪn.səp.l̩z] [US: ˈækt ʌp ˈtuː wʌnz ˈprɪn.səp.l̩z]

hű az elveihez

true to one's principles[UK: truː tuː wʌnz ˈprɪn.səp.l̩z] [US: ˈtruː ˈtuː wʌnz ˈprɪn.səp.l̩z]

hű marad elveihez GB

stick to one's colours[UK: stɪk tuː wʌnz ˈkʌ.ləz] [US: ˈstɪk ˈtuː wʌnz ˈkʌ.lərz]

hű marad elveihez US

stick to one's colors[UK: stɪk tuː wʌnz ˈkʌ.lərz] [US: ˈstɪk ˈtuː wʌnz ˈkʌ.lərz]