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récolte znamená v Angličtina

récolte nom {f}

harvest [harvests]◼◼◼(process of gathering the ripened crop)
[UK: ˈhɑː.vɪst] [US: ˈhɑːr.vəst]
We all helped with the harvest. = Nous avons tous aidé à la récolte.

harvest [harvests]◼◼◼(season of gathering the ripened crop)
[UK: ˈhɑː.vɪst] [US: ˈhɑːr.vəst]
We all helped with the harvest. = Nous avons tous aidé à la récolte.

harvest [harvests]◼◼◼(yield of harvesting)
[UK: ˈhɑː.vɪst] [US: ˈhɑːr.vəst]
We all helped with the harvest. = Nous avons tous aidé à la récolte.

crop [crops]◼◼◼(natural production for a specific year)
[UK: krɒp] [US: ˈkrɑːp]
It will damage the crops. = Ça endommagera la récolte.

vintage [vintages]◼◼◻(year or place something is produced)
[UK: ˈvɪn.tɪdʒ] [US: ˈvɪn.tɪdʒ]

récolte la tempête phrase

what goes around comes around◼◼◼(the status returns to its original value)
[UK: ˈwɒt ɡəʊz ə.ˈraʊnd kʌmz ə.ˈraʊnd] [US: ˈhwʌt ɡoʊz ə.ˈraʊnd ˈkəmz ə.ˈraʊnd]

sow the wind, reap the whirlwind◼◻◻(every decision has consequences; a person's actions will come back to them)
[UK: saʊ ðə wɪnd riːp ðə ˈwɜːl.wɪnd] [US: ˈsaʊ ðə wɪnd ˈriːp ðə ˈwɜːrˌl.wɪnd]

récolter verbe

harvest [harvested, harvesting, harvests]◼◼◼(to bring in a harvest; reap)
[UK: ˈhɑː.vɪst] [US: ˈhɑːr.vəst]
I am harvesting wheat. = Je suis en train de récolter du blé.

récolter ce que l'on a semé [to get a taste of one's own medicine] nom

taste of one's own medicine(harsh treatment)

récolter ce qu’on a semé verbe

reap what one sows(to receive as a return or reward in the same measure as one’s exertions or intentions)

récolteur nom {m}

reaper [reapers]◼◼◼(one who reaps)
[UK: ˈriː.pə(r)] [US: ˈriː.pər]

on récolte ce que l'on sème phrase

what goes around comes around◼◼◼(actions have consequences)
[UK: ˈwɒt ɡəʊz ə.ˈraʊnd kʌmz ə.ˈraʊnd] [US: ˈhwʌt ɡoʊz ə.ˈraʊnd ˈkəmz ə.ˈraʊnd]

qui sème le vent récolte la tempête phrase

what goes around comes around◼◼◼(actions have consequences)
[UK: ˈwɒt ɡəʊz ə.ˈraʊnd kʌmz ə.ˈraʊnd] [US: ˈhwʌt ɡoʊz ə.ˈraʊnd ˈkəmz ə.ˈraʊnd]

qui sème le vent récolte la tempête verbe

reap what one sows(to receive as a return or reward in the same measure as one’s exertions or intentions)

seconde récolte nom {f}

aftercrop(second crop in the same year)
[UK: ˈɑːf.tə.krɒp] [US: ˈɑːf.tə.krɒp]

vous récolterez ce que vous semez phrase

as you sow, so shall you reap(consequences of one’s actions to oneself are in proportion to one‘s good or bad intentions towards others)
[UK: əz juː saʊ ˈsəʊ ʃæl juː riːp] [US: ˈæz ˈjuː ˈsaʊ ˈsoʊ ˈʃæl ˈjuː ˈriːp]

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