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hésiter znamená v Angličtina

hésiter verbe

hesitate [hesitated, hesitating, hesitates]◼◼◼(to stop or pause respecting decision or action)
[UK: ˈhe.zɪ.teɪt] [US: ˈhe.zə.ˌtet]
I hesitate to ask John to help. = J'hésite à demander de l'aide à John.

vacillate [vacillated, vacillating, vacillates]◼◻◻(to swing from one course of action or opinion to another)
[UK: ˈvæ.sɪ.leɪt] [US: ˈvæ.sə.ˌlet]
Unsure of which suitor she wanted to marry, the princess vacillated, saying now one, now the other. = Ne sachant avec quel prétendant elle voulait se marier, la princesse hésitait, nommant tantôt l'un, tantôt l'autre.

have second thoughts◼◻◻(to change one's opinion)

hover [hovered, hovering, hovers]◼◻◻(to waver, or be uncertain)
[UK: ˈhɒ.və(r)] [US: ˈhə.vər]

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