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c meaning in English

ex cathedra (ametist tulenevalt, autoriteetselt)

ex cathedra◼◼◼

Excalibur (kuningas Arthuri mõõk)

Excalibur◼◼◼[UK: ˌek.ˈskæ.lə.bə(r)] [US: ˌek.ˈskæ.lə.bər]

faasan (Phasianus colchicus) noun

pheasant [pheasants]◼◼◼noun
[UK: ˈfeznt] [US: ˈfe.zənt]


facile◼◼◼[UK: ˈfæ.saɪl] [US: ˈfæ.səl]


facto◼◼◼[UK: ˈfæk.təʊ] [US: ˈfækto.ʊ]

Fahrenheiti skaala (0 °C = 32 °F; 100 °C = 212 °F)

Fahrenheit scale◼◼◼

fait accompli noun

fait accompli [faits accomplis]◼◼◼noun
[UK: ˌfe.tɑːk.ɒm.ˈpliː] [US: ˌfe.tɑːk.ɒm.ˈpliː]

Fanny (= Frances) noun

Fanny [Fannys]◼◼◼noun
[UK: ˈfæ.ni] [US: ˈfæ.ni]

Fibonacci arv noun

Fibonacci number [Fibonacci numbers]◼◼◼noun

flagrante delicto (otse teolt, asitõenditega)

flagrante delicto◼◼◼[UK: fleɪɡrˈɑːnteɪ dɪlˈɪktəʊ] [US: fleɪɡrˈɑːnteɪ dɪlˈɪktoʊ]


flamenco◼◼◼[UK: flə.ˈmeŋk.əʊ] [US: flə.ˈmeŋˌko.ʊ]

flamingo (Phoenicopterus) noun

flamingo [flamingos]◼◼◼noun
[UK: flə.ˈmɪŋ.ɡəʊ] [US: flə.ˈmɪŋɡo.ʊ]

Flo (= Florence)

Flo◼◼◼[UK: ˈfləʊ] [US: ˈfloʊ]

Florence Nightingale

Florence Nightingale◼◼◼

force majeure

force majeure◼◼◼

Francis noun

Francis [Francises]◼◼◼noun
[UK: ˈfrɑːn.sɪs] [US: ˈfræn.səs]
Francis Crick was one of the discoverers of DNA's structure. = Francis Crick oli üks DNA struktuuri avastajatest.

Francisco noun

Francisco [Franciscos]◼◼◼noun
[UK: fræn.ˈsɪ.skəʊ] [US: fræn.ˈsɪsko.ʊ]

Franco noun

Franco [Francos]◼◼◼noun
[UK: ˈfræŋk.əʊ] [US: ˈfræŋko.ʊ]

Frankfort (Kentucky pealinn)

Frankfort◼◼◼[UK: ˈfræŋk.fərt] [US: ˈfræŋk.fərt]

Fred (= Alfred, Frederick) noun

Fred [Freds]◼◼◼noun
[UK: fred] [US: ˈfred]

Frederick noun

Frederick [Fredericks]◼◼◼noun
[UK: ˈfre.drɪk] [US: ˈfre.drɪk]

Friedrich noun

Frederick [Fredericks]◼◼◼noun
[UK: ˈfre.drɪk] [US: ˈfre.drɪk]

Friedrich II

Frederick the Great◼◼◼

Frisco (= San Francisco)

Frisco◼◼◼[UK: ˈfriː.skəʊ] [US: ˈfriːsko.ʊ]

Fritz (= Frederick) noun

Fritz [Fritzes]◼◼◼noun
[UK: ˈfrɪts] [US: ˈfrɪts]

FTP (= file transfer protocol) noun

FTP [FTPs]◼◼◼noun

fütool (taimne alkohol C20H40O klorofüllis jm) noun

phytol [phytols]◼◼◼noun

gal (gallon, cm/sek²)

gal◼◼◼[UK: ɡæl] [US: ˈɡæl]



genius loci (koha vaim, kaitsevaim)

genius loci◼◼◼

Gettysburgi kõne (Lincolni kõne 1863)

Gettysburg Address◼◼◼

giclée (originaalilähedasele alusmaterjalile prinditud digitaalne koopia maalist, graafikast, fotost vms)



golconda◼◼◼[UK: ɡalˈkɑːn.də] [US: ɡalˈkɑːn.də]

Golconda (end. linn ja teemandikaevandus Indias)

Golconda◼◼◼[UK: ɡalˈkɑːn.də] [US: ɡalˈkɑːn.də]

Goldbachi hüpotees

Goldbach conjecture◼◼◼

granaatõunapuu (Punica granatum) noun

pomegranate [pomegranates]◼◼◼noun
[UK: ˈpɒ.mɪ.ɡræ.nɪt] [US: ˈpɒ.mɪ.ɡræ.nɪt]


Greenpeace◼◼◼[UK: ˈɡriːn.ˌpis] [US: ˈɡriːn.ˌpis]


Greenwich◼◼◼[UK: ˈɡre.nɪtʃ] [US: ˈɡre.nɪtʃ]

Greenwichi aeg

Greenwich Mean Time◼◼◼[UK: ˈɡre.nɪtʃ miːn ˈtaɪm] [US: ˈɡre.nɪtʃ ˈmiːn ˈtaɪm]

Greenwichi aeg noun

GMT [GMTs]◼◼◼noun
[UK: ˌdʒi:.ˌem.ˈtiː] [US: ˌdʒi:.ˌem.ˈtiː]