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sustainable meaning in Spanish

sustainable (able to be sustained)
[UK: sə.ˈsteɪ.nəb.l̩]
[US: sə.ˈsteɪ.nəb.l̩]

sostenibleadjectiveWe can only eliminate extreme poverty if the sustainable development goals that we have set are more than words on paper. = Sólo podremos eliminar la pobreza extrema si los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible que nos hemos fijado son más que palabras sobre el papel.

sustainable development (development seeking to economic growth while ensuring future generations' ability to do the same, by not exceeding natural regenerative capacity)
[UK: sə.ˈsteɪ.nəb.l̩ dɪ.ˈve.ləp.mənt]
[US: sə.ˈsteɪ.nəb.l̩ dɪ.ˈve.ləp.mənt]

desarrollo sosteniblenoun