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explosive meaning in Spanish

explosive [explosives] (explosive substance)
[UK: ɪk.ˈspləʊ.sɪv]
[US: ɪkˈsplo.ʊ.sɪv]

For detecting drugs or hidden explosives, there's no technology that can match a dog's nose. = Para detectar drogas o explosivos ocultos, no hay tecnología que iguale a la nariz de un can.

explosive (with the capability to, or likely to, explode)
[UK: ɪk.ˈspləʊ.sɪv]
[US: ɪkˈsplo.ʊ.sɪv]

explosivoadjectiveFor detecting drugs or hidden explosives, there's no technology that can match a dog's nose. = Para detectar drogas o explosivos ocultos, no hay tecnología que iguale a la nariz de un can.

improvised explosive device [improvised explosive devices] (explosive weapon, see also: IED)
[UK: ˈɪm.prə.vaɪzd ɪk.ˈspləʊ.sɪv dɪ.ˈvaɪs]
[US: ˈɪm.prə.ˌvaɪzd ɪkˈsplo.ʊ.sɪv dɪ.ˈvaɪs]

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