English-Serbian-Croatian dictionary »

creed meaning in Serbian-Croatian

creed [creeds] (reading or statement of belief that summarizes the faith it represents)
[UK: kriːd]
[US: ˈkriːd]

krȇdo, veruju, vjerujunoun

кредо, верују, вјерујуnoun

creed [creeds] (that which is believed)
[UK: kriːd]
[US: ˈkriːd]

krȇdo, veruju, vjerujunoun

кредо, верују, вјерујуnoun

creed (to believe, credit, see also: believe)
[UK: kriːd]
[US: ˈkriːd]

vjerovati, ispovijedati vjeru, verovati, ispovedati veruverb

Nicene Creed (official creed of the early Christian church stating tenets of the Christian faith)
proper noun

Nicejski simbol vjereproper noun
{m}, NicejSko vjerovanje {n}

Никејски симбол вјереproper noun
{m}, Никејско вјерованје {n}