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thick-and-thin meaning in Hungarian

thick-and-thin adjective
[UK: θɪk ənd θɪn]
[US: ˈθɪk ænd ˈθɪn]

kipróbált (átv)melléknév

stick to one's friend through thick and thin [UK: stɪk tuː wʌnz ˈfrend θruː θɪk ənd θɪn]
[US: ˈstɪk ˈtuː wʌnz ˈfrend θruː ˈθɪk ænd ˈθɪn]

jóban és rosszban kitart a barátja mellett

through thick and thin [UK: θruː θɪk ənd θɪn]
[US: θruː ˈθɪk ænd ˈθɪn]

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