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frosty meaning in German

frosty [frostier, frostiest] adjective
[UK: ˈfrɒ.sti]
[US: ˈfrɒ.sti]

frostig [frostiger; am frostigsten]◼◼◼AdjektivMy horse's breath was steaming in the frosty air. = Der Atem meines Pferdes dampfte in der frostigen Luft.

frosty [UK: ˈfrɒ.sti]
[US: ˈfrɒ.sti]

frostige◼◼◼My horse's breath was steaming in the frosty air. = Der Atem meines Pferdes dampfte in der frostigen Luft.

frosty weather noun

das Frostwetter [des Frostwetters; —]Substantiv

clear and frosty
