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possession meaning in French

possession [possessions] (control of the ball in a disputed sports game)
[UK: pə.ˈzeʃ.n̩]
[US: pə.ˈzeʃ.n̩]

possession◼◼◼nom {f}Adam spent 3 years in jail for drug possession. = Adam purgea trois ans pour possession de drogues.

possession [possessions] (ownership; taking, holding, keeping something as one's own)
[UK: pə.ˈzeʃ.n̩]
[US: pə.ˈzeʃ.n̩]

possession◼◼◼nom {f}Adam spent 3 years in jail for drug possession. = Adam purgea trois ans pour possession de drogues.

propriété◼◼◻nom {f}It is preoccupation with possession, more than anything else, that prevents men from living freely and nobly. = C'est leur préoccupation de la propriété, plus que toute autre chose, qui empêche les hommes de vivre librement et noblement.

possession [possessions] (the state of being possessed by a spirit or demon)
[UK: pə.ˈzeʃ.n̩]
[US: pə.ˈzeʃ.n̩]

possession◼◼◼nom {f}Adam spent 3 years in jail for drug possession. = Adam purgea trois ans pour possession de drogues.

possession [possessions] (something that is owned)
[UK: pə.ˈzeʃ.n̩]
[US: pə.ˈzeʃ.n̩]

bien◼◼◻nom {m}The bike was Dan's prized possession. = La moto était le bien le plus précieux de Dan.

possession [possessions] (a territory under the rule of another country)
[UK: pə.ˈzeʃ.n̩]
[US: pə.ˈzeʃ.n̩]

possessions◼◼◻nom {f pl}

adverse possession (legal principle)

prescription acquisitive◼◼◼nom {f}

usucapion◼◻◻nom {f}

take possession verb

prendre possession◼◼◼verbe