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waving meaning in Arabic

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wave moving disturbance, undulation


wave to wave one’s hand


waveform physics

شَكْل مَوْجِيّ

wavefunction notion in quantum mechanics

دَالَّة مَوْجِيَّةf

wavelength the length of a single cycle of a wave

طُول مَوْجm

Alfvén wave a hydromagnetic shear wave in a charged plasma

مَوْجَة أَلْفْفِينf

carrier wave wave that can be modulated to transmit signals

موجة حاملة

Elliott wave wave pattern

موجَة إليوتf

gravitational wave fluctuation in spacetime that propagates as a wave at the speed of light

موجة ثقالية

heatwave period of very hot weather

مَوْجَة اَلْحَرّf

microwave electromagnetic wave

مَوْجَة الْمَيْكْرُووِيفf

مَوْجَة دَقِيقَةf

مَوْجَة صِغْرِيَّةf

مَوْجَة مَيْكْرُوِيَّةf

microwave oven oven using microwave energy

فُرْن كَهْرُومَغْنَاطِيسِيّm

فُرْن مَيْكْرُووَيْفm


radio wave electromagnetic radiation

مَوْجَة رَادْيُوf

shear wave shear wave

مَوْجَة Sf

shock wave A powerful compression wave

موجة صادمة

sound wave longitudinal wave of pressure transmitted through any plastic material

مَوْجَة صَوْتِيَّةf

unwavering always on course and steady



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