English-Arabic dictionary »

atomic mass unit meaning in Arabic

atomic of, or employing nuclear energy or processes



mass physics: quantity of matter which a body contains



mass quantity of matter cohering together to make one body


mass religion: Eucharist


Mass Roman Catholic Church: the principal liturgical service


unit standard measure of a quantity


atomic bomb nuclear weapon

قُنْبُلَة ذَرِّيَّة

atomic nucleus nucleus of an atom

نَوَاة الذَّرَّةf

Atomic Age era during which nuclear energy was developed

عصر الذرة

atomic clock reference clock

سَاعَة ذُرِّيَّةf

atomic number number of protons

عَدَد ذَرِّيّm

mass murder successive killing of many people

قَتْل جَمَاعِيّm

mass grave a grave containing many corpses

مَقْبَرَة جَمَاعِيَّةf

mass number number of protons and neutrons in an atomic nucleus

عَدَد كُتْلِيّm

unit vector vector with length 1

مُتَّجِهٌ وَحْدَةَm

astronomical unit measure of distance

وَحْدَة فَلَكِيَّةf

body mass index the measure of the weight in comparison with the height of a person

مُؤَشِّر كُتْلَة جِسْمm

coronal mass ejection coronal mass ejection

لفظ كتليّ إِكْلِيلِيّm

central processing unit part of a computer

وحدَة المعالجَة المَرْكَزِيَّةf

intensive care unit hospital ward for critically ill patients

وَحَدة العِنَايَة المُرَكَّزةf

weapon of mass destruction weapon causing large-scale death or destruction

سِلَاح دَمَار شَامِلm

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