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it''s not lady-like bedeutet auf Französisch

lady [ladies] (wife of a lord)
[UK: ˈleɪ.di]
[US: ˈleɪ.di]

lady◼◼◼nom {f}

madame◼◼◼nom {f}Mrs. Smith is an elderly lady. = Madame Smith est une femme âgée.

dame◼◼◼nom {f}It's the lady. = C'est la dame.

lady [ladies] (woman of breeding and authority)
[UK: ˈleɪ.di]
[US: ˈleɪ.di]

lady◼◼◼nom {f}

madame◼◼◼nom {f}Mrs. Smith is an elderly lady. = Madame Smith est une femme âgée.

dame◼◼◼nom {f}It's the lady. = C'est la dame.

lady [ladies] (polite term referring a woman)
[UK: ˈleɪ.di]
[US: ˈleɪ.di]

madame◼◼◼nom {f}Mrs. Smith is an elderly lady. = Madame Smith est une femme âgée.

dame◼◼◼nom {f}It's the lady. = C'est la dame.

Lady (aristocratic title for a woman)
[UK: ˈleɪ.di]
[US: ˈleɪ.di]

Madame◼◼◼nomMrs. Smith is an elderly lady. = Madame Smith est une femme âgée.

Dame◼◼◼nomIt's the lady. = C'est la dame.

Lady Luck (female personification of luck)
proper noun

Dame Chance◼◼◼nom {f}

lady fern (Athyrium filix-femina)

fougère femelle◼◼◼nom {f}

lady-killer (uncaring womanizer)
[UK: ˈleɪ.dɪ kɪ.lə(r)]
[US: ˈleɪ.dɪ kɪ.lər]

tombeur◼◼◼nom {m}

bourreau des cœurs◼◻◻nom {m}

Our Lady (Virgin Mary)
proper noun
[UK: ˈaʊə(r) ˈleɪ.di]
[US: ˈaʊər ˈleɪ.di]

Notre Dame◼◼◼nom {f}

Tupperware lady (woman organising a Tupperware party)

représentante Tupperwarenom

young lady (a term of endearment or address for a girl)
[UK: jʌŋ ˈleɪ.di]
[US: ˈjəŋ ˈleɪ.di]

jeune fille◼◼◼nom {f}

cat lady (elderly lady who devotes her attention to cats)

femme à chats◼◼◼nom {f}

First Lady (the wife of the President of a country)
[UK: ˈfɜːst ˈleɪ.di]
[US: ˈfɝːst ˈleɪ.di]

première dame◼◼◼nom {f}

cleaning lady noun
[UK: ˈkliːn.ɪŋ ˈleɪ.di]
[US: ˈkliːn.ɪŋ ˈleɪ.di]

femme de ménage◼◼◼nom {f}

femme d'ouvragenom {f}

young lady (an adolescent or young female)
[UK: jʌŋ ˈleɪ.di]
[US: ˈjəŋ ˈleɪ.di]

jeune fille◼◼◼nom {f}

lady-in-waiting (lady in the household of a woman of higher rank who attends her as a personal assistant)
[UK: ˌleɪ.dɪ ɪn ˈweɪt.ɪŋ]
[US: ˌleɪ.dɪ ɪn ˈweɪt.ɪŋ]

dame d'honneur◼◼◼nom {f}

dame de compagnie◼◼◻nom {f}

suivante◼◻◻nom {f}

dame d'attendrenom {f}

lady-in-waiting (woman who is a maid or servant to a lady)
[UK: ˌleɪ.dɪ ɪn ˈweɪt.ɪŋ]
[US: ˌleɪ.dɪ ɪn ˈweɪt.ɪŋ]

suivante◼◻◻nom {f}

Our Lady of Sorrows (the Virgin Mary in reference to her sorrows)
proper noun

Notre-Dame des Douleurs◼◼◼nom {f}

Notre-Dame des Sept Douleurs◼◻◻nom {f}

the lady doth protest too much (because someone is insisting too much about something, the opposite must be true)

la dame proteste un peu tropphrase