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-nis meaning in English


-ness(appended to adjectives to form nouns meaning "the state of being...", "the quality of being...", or "the measure of being...")
[UK: nes] [US: ˈnes]

-y(forming abstract nouns)
[UK: waɪ] [US: ˈwaɪ]


-ian(related to)

-ic(Note: these translations are a guide only. For more precise translations, see individual words ending in -ic)

-ish(appended to roots denoting names of nations or regions)

-isme {n}

-ism(a principle, belief or movement)
[UK: ˈɪ.zəm] [US: ˈɪ.zəm]


-ist(One who follows a particular ideology, doctrine, belief system or theory)

Trans-Nistrië eigennam

Transnistria(Transnistria, an autonomous territory in Moldova)
proper noun