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existing înseamnă în Spaniolă

existing (that exists)
[UK: ɪɡ.ˈzɪst.ɪŋ]
[US: ɪg.ˈzɪ.stɪŋ]

existenteadjectiveIn order to move forward, though, we do have to acknowledge that the existing path to global integration requires a course correction. = Sin embargo, para poder avanzar, debemos reconocer que el camino existente hacia la integración global requiere una corrección de rumbo.

exist [existed, existing, exists] (to be)
[UK: ɪɡ.ˈzɪst]
[US: ɪg.ˈzɪst]

existirverbGod does not exist. = Dios no existe.

coexist [coexisted, coexisting, coexists] (exist contemporaneously)
[UK: ˌkəʊɪɡ.ˈzɪst]
[US: ˌkoʊɪg.ˈzɪst]

coexistirverbHealth coexists with temperance. = La salud coexiste con la templanza.

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