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timothy înseamnă în Română

Timothy (books in the New Testament)
proper noun
[UK: ˈtɪ.mə.θi]
[US: ˈtɪ.mə.θi]

Timoteiproper noun

Timothy (companion of Paul)
proper noun
[UK: ˈtɪ.mə.θi]
[US: ˈtɪ.mə.θi]

Timoteiproper noun

Timothy (male given name)
proper noun
[UK: ˈtɪ.mə.θi]
[US: ˈtɪ.mə.θi]

Timoteiproper noun

timothy (type of grass)
[UK: ˈtɪ.mə.θi]
[US: ˈtɪ.mə.θi]

timoftică [~, timoftici, timoftica, timofticile, timofticii, timofticilor, ~, timofticilor]substantiv

1 Timothy (book of the New Testament)
proper noun

1 Timoteiproper noun

2 Timothy (book of the New Testament)
proper noun

2 Timoteiproper noun

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