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وَاي înseamnă în Engleză

وَاي فَاي m

Wi-Ficomputing: wireless data communication standard

وَايُومِنْغ m

WyomingUS state

وَايْ m

wyename of the letter Y, y

أُورُوجُوَاي f


أُورُوغُوَاي f


بَارَاجُوَاي f

Paraguayid=Q733|country in South America

بَارَاغُوَاي f

Paraguayid=Q733|country in South America

تْرَامْوَاي m

trampassenger vehicle

خْوَايْنَان m

Huainana city of China

رِوَايَة f

fictionliterary type

novelwork of prose fiction

versiona specific form or variation of something

سْنُو وَايْت f

Snow Whitecharacter from ''Snow-White and Rose-Red'' (Schneeweißchen und Rosenrot)

غَالْوَايْ m

Galwaycity in Ireland

فَايْرْوَايْر m

firewirea high speed digital link standard, IEEE 1394-1995


kawaiicute, in the context of Japanese culture


kawaiicute, in the context of Japanese culture

مُثَلَّث حَادّ الزَّوَايَا m

acute triangletriangle all of the angles of which are acute

مُقَاطَعَة غَالْوَايْ f

Galwaycounty in Ireland


Hawaiichain of islands

Hawaiistate of the United States

هِوَايَة f

hobbyactivity done for enjoyment in spare time

هْوَايْنَان m

Huainana city of China