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نَظَّمَ înseamnă în Engleză


organizeto arrange in working order

مُنَظَّمَة f

organizationgroup of people consciously cooperating

organizationgroup of people or other legal entities with an explicit purpose and written rules

مُنَظَّمَة الصِّحَّة الْعَالَمِيَّة f

World Health Organizationid=Q7817|UN public health agency|WHO

مُنَظَّمَة خَيْرِيَّة f


مُنَظَّمَة غَيْر حُكُومِيَّة f

non-governmental organizationorganization with no government participation

مُنَظَّمَةُ الصِّحَةِ الْعَالَمِيَّة f

WHOWorld Health Organization

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