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جَمْع înseamnă în Engleză


pluralthe plural number

pluralword in plural form

جَمْع m

additionarithmetic: process of adding

collectionset of items

جَمْع الْجَمْع m

double pluraldoubly inflected plural

جَمْع تَكْسِير m

broken pluralin Arabic and other languages, irregular plural formed by changing the pattern of consonants and vowels

جَمْع سَالِم m

sound pluralin Arabic and other languages, regular plural formed by adding a suffix

جَمْع مُكَسَّر m

broken pluralin Arabic and other languages, irregular plural formed by changing the pattern of consonants and vowels

جَمْعِيَّة f

assemblylegislative body

associationgroup of persons associated for a common purpose

clubassociation of members

societygroup of persons who meet from time to time to engage in a common interest

جَمْعِيَّة خَيْرِيَّة f

charitable organizationorganization

اِسْم جَمْع m

plurale tantuma noun without a singular form

عَلَامَةُ جَمْع f

plus signmathematical symbol

قِلَّة الجَمْع f

oligolectypreference of an insect pollinator for pollinating only a few plant species