Español | Inglés |
muerte noun {f} | death [deaths](cessation of life) end [ends](death) fluke [flukes](a metal hook on the head of certain staff weapons) passing(death, dying; the end) |
muerte proper noun {f} | Death(the personification of death) Grim Reaper(personification of Death) |
Muerte proper noun {f} | Grim Reaper(personification of Death) |
muerte asistida noun | assisted dyingnoun |
muerte cerebral noun {f} | brain death [brain deaths](irreversible cessation of brain activity) |
muerte civil noun | attainder(the state of a prisoner after a death sentence) |
muerte obstétrica noun {f} | maternal death(death of a woman that occurs directly related to the procreative process) |
muerte por ventilador noun {f} | fan death(death supposedly caused by staying overnight in a closed room with an electric fan) |
muerte repentina noun {f} | sudden death [sudden deaths](instantaneous death) |
muerte súbita noun {f} | sudden death [sudden deaths](instantaneous death) |
a muerte preposition | to death(to a great degree) |
asunto de vida o muerte noun | matter of life and death(Something whose outcome could result in either someone's survival or their death) |
cada muerte de obispo adverb | once in a blue moon(very rarely) |
causa de la muerte noun {f} | cause of death(official cause of a human death) |
corredor de la muerte noun {m} | death row [death rows](section of a prison which houses those inmates who are sentenced to death) |
danza de la muerte noun | danse macabre(a conventional subject of artistic painting or drawing) |
de mala muerte adjective | seedy [seedier, seediest](disreputable; run-down) |
el arcano de la muerte noun | death [deaths](Tarot) |
estatuto de la muerte por negligencia de otro noun {m} | wrongful death statute(statute) |
grupo de la muerte noun {m} | group of death(a group in a multi-stage tournament which is unusually competitive) |
hasta que la muerte nos separe. adverb | till death do us part(phrase said as part of wedding vows indicating commitment) |
la muerte noun | death [deaths](Tarot) |
lecho de muerte noun {m} | deathbed [deathbeds](the bed on which someone dies) |
megamuerte noun | megadeath [megadeaths](one million deaths, especially in reference to nuclear warfare) |
pantalla azul de la muerte noun | blue screen of death(screen indicating a system error) |
pena de muerte noun {f} | death penalty [death penalties](state punishment of death, see also: capital punishment) |
pulsión de muerte noun {f} | death wish(desire for the death of oneself or of someone else) |
rueda de la muerte noun {f} | wheel of death(large hollow wheel inside which an artist performs) |
sentencia de muerte noun | death sentence [death sentences](sentence) |
sentencia de muerte noun {f} | death warrant(warrant that authorizes capital punishment) |
trompeta de la muerte noun {f} | black chanterelle(mushroom) |
valle de sombra de muerte noun {m} | valley of the shadow of death(biblical phrase) |
víbora de la muerte noun {f} | death adder [death adders](Acanthophis) |
ángel de la muerte noun {m} | angel of death(personification of death in fiction and in art) |
ángel del la muerte proper noun {m} | Grim Reaper(personification of Death) |