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interior significado en inglés

interior adjective

inner(being or occurring inside)
[UK: ˈɪ.nə(r)] [US: ˈɪ.nər]
She had to rely upon her inner strength. = Ella tuvo que depender en su fuerza interior.

interior(having to do with the inner part of something)
[UK: ɪn.ˈtɪə.rɪə(r)] [US: ˌɪn.ˈtɪ.riər]
He studied interior decoration. = Él estudió decoración de interiores.

internal(concerned with the domestic affairs of a nation, state etc.)
[UK: ɪn.ˈtɜːn.l̩] [US: ˌɪn.ˈtɝː.nl̩]

inward(on inside)
[UK: ˈɪn.wəd] [US: ˈɪn.wərd]
Those who look outward dream, but those who look inward awaken. = Aquellos que miran hacia fuera sueñan, pero aquellos que miran hacia el interior despiertan.

interior noun

inner(inner part)
[UK: ˈɪ.nə(r)] [US: ˈɪ.nər]
She had to rely upon her inner strength. = Ella tuvo que depender en su fuerza interior.

inside [insides](interior or inner part)
[UK: ɪn.ˈsaɪd] [US: ˌɪn.ˈsaɪd]
It tears me up inside. = Me desgarra interiormente.

interior [interiors](the inside of an enclosed structure)
[UK: ɪn.ˈtɪə.rɪə(r)] [US: ˌɪn.ˈtɪ.riər]
He studied interior decoration. = Él estudió decoración de interiores.

interiores noun

underpants [underpants](type of underwear)
[UK: ˈʌn.də.pænts] [US: ˈʌn.dər.ˌpænts]

interiorizar verb

internalize [internalized, internalizing, internalizes](make something internal)
[UK: ɪn.ˈtɜː.nə.laɪz] [US: ˌɪn.ˈtɝː.nə.ˌlaɪz]
The root of the problem lies in our employees' incapacity to internalize the sentiments of the company. = La raíz del problema estriba en la incapacidad de nuestros empleados en interiorizar el sentimiento de la empresa.

interiormente adverb

internally(In an internal manner)
[UK: ɪn.ˈtɜː.nə.li] [US: ˌɪn.ˈtɝː.nə.li]

camiseta interior noun

undershirt [undershirts]noun
[UK: ˈən.dərˌ.ʃərt] [US: ˈən.dər.ˌʃərt]

camiseta interior noun

singlet [singlets](sleeveless shirt)
[UK: ˈsɪŋ.ɡlɪt] [US: ˈsɪŋ.ɡlɪt]

Mar Interior proper noun

Inland Sea(body of water)
proper noun
[UK: ɪn.ˈlænd siː] [US: ˈɪn.ˌlænd ˈsiː]

Ministro de Interior noun

Home Secretarynoun
[UK: həʊm ˈse.krə.tə.ri] [US: hoʊm ˈse.krə.te.ri]

ministro del Interior noun

interior ministernoun
[UK: ɪn.ˈtɪə.rɪə(r) ˈmɪ.nɪ.stə(r)] [US: ˌɪn.ˈtɪ.riər ˈmɪ.nə.stər]

Mongolia Interior proper noun

Inner Mongolia(autonomous region in northern China)
proper noun
[UK: ˈɪ.nə(r) mɒŋ.ˈɡəʊ.lɪə] [US: ˈɪ.nər mɒŋˈɡo.ʊ.lɪə]

niño interior noun

inner child(childlike aspect of a person's psyche)

pantalón interior largo noun

long johns(garment for bottom half of the body)
[UK: ˈlɒŋ ˈdʒɑːnz] [US: ˈlɔːŋ ˈdʒɑːnz]

producto interior bruto noun

gross domestic product [gross domestic products](economic production of a particular territory)
[UK: ɡrəʊs də.ˈme.stɪk ˈprɒ.dʌkt] [US: ɡroʊs də.ˈme.stɪk ˈprɑː.dəkt]

ropa interior noun

lingerie(underwear or nightclothes)
[UK: ˈlæn.ʒə.riː] [US: ˈlɑːn.ʒə.ˌre]

underwear(clothes worn next to the skin)
[UK: ˈʌn.də.weə(r)] [US: ˈʌn.dəˌr.wer]

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