Español | Inglés |
comprender verb | appreciate [appreciated, appreciating, appreciates](to be aware of) apprehend [apprehended, apprehending, apprehends](to take hold of (something) with the understanding, see also: understand) catch [caught, catching, catches](to perceive and understand) comprehend [comprehended, comprehending, comprehends](to understand) comprise [comprised, comprising, comprises](be made up of) fathom [fathomed, fathoming, fathoms](to deeply understand (someone or something)) grasp [grasped, grasping, grasps](to understand) realize [realized, realizing, realizes](to become aware of) understand [understood, understanding, understands](to grasp the meaning of) |
comprensibilidad noun {f} | comprehensibility(The property of being understandable) understandability(The property of being understandable) |
comprensible adjective | comprehensible(able to be comprehended) |
comprensiblemente adverb | understandably(in an understandable manner) |
comprensivo adjective | sympathetic(of, related to, showing, or characterized by sympathy) understanding(showing compassion) |
comprensivo adjective {m} | comprehensive(broadly or completely covering) |
comprensión noun | realization [realizations]noun |
comprensión noun {f} | comprehension [comprehensions](thorough understanding) grasp(understanding) understanding [understandings](mental process of comprehension, assimilation of knowledge, subjective by its nature) |
comprensión lectora noun {f} | |
compresa noun {f} | compress [compresses](cloth used to dress or apply pressure to wounds) menstrual pad(pad used to absorb menstrual flow) |
compresa de hielo noun | ice pack(pack of crushed ice) |
compresibilidad noun {f} | compressibility [compressibilities](the degree to which something is compressible) |
compresión noun {f} | compression [compressions]noun |
compresor noun {m} | air compressor(machine for generating compressed air) compressor [compressors](device that produces pressure) |
compresor de aire noun {m} | air compressor(machine for generating compressed air) |
calcetines de compresión noun | compression sock(type of sock) |
incomprensible adjective | incomprehensible(impossible or very difficult to understand) inscrutable(difficult or impossible to comprehend, fathom or interpret) unfathomable(impossible to fathom; incomprehensible) |
incomprensiblemente adverb | incomprehensibly(in an incomprehensible manner) |
intercomprensión noun | intercomprehension(mutual comprehension) |
no comprendo phrase | I don't understandphrase |
omnicomprensivo adjective {m} | all-embracingadjective all-encompassing(including everything) |