Arabisk-Engelsk ordbok »

مِنْ betyder på engelska


amongbelonging to a group

ofcontaining, comprising or made from

presumablyable to be sensibly presumed

مِنْ أجْلِ ذَلِك

that's whythe reason

مِنْ أَجْلِ اللّٰهِ

for God's sakeexclamation of anger, surprise, or impatience

مِنْ دُونِ

withoutnot having

مِنْ قَبْلُ

alreadyprior to some time

مِنْبَر m

pulpitraised platform in church

tribuneplace or an opportunity to speak; platform

مِنْجَرَة f

planea tool

مِنْجَل m

scythefarm tool

sickleagricultural implement

مِنْجَلَة f

visetwo-jawed instrument for holding work

مِنْحَة إِلٰهِيَّة f

godsendinstance of unexpected benefit or good fortune

مِنْحَة دِرَاسِيَّة f

scholarshipstudy allowance

مِنْدَائِيَّة f

Mandaeisma monotheistic religion of the Iraq region

مِنْدِيل m

handkerchiefcloth for wiping the face, eyes, nose or hands

tissuesheet of absorbent paper

مِنْسَج m

loomweaving frame

مِنْسَف m

winnowing basketbasket used to winnow

مِنْسَفَة f

winnowing basketbasket used to winnow

مِنْشَار m


مِنْشَار دَائِرِيّ m

circular sawa power saw with a circular cutting blade

مِنْشَفَة f

dishclothfor drying

towelcloth used for wiping

مِنْشَفَة وَرَقِيَّة f

paper towelpaper used in kitchens

مِنْصَّة f

tribuneplace or an opportunity to speak; platform

مِنْضَدة اَلسَّرِير

nightstandsmall table placed beside the head of a bed

مِنْضَدَة f

desktable for writing and reading

tableitem of furniture

مِنْضَدَة زِينَة f

dressing tablelow table equipped with mirror for dressing and makeup

مِنْطَقَة f

areaparticular geographic region

districtarea or region

regionany considerable and connected part of a space or surface


zonearea distinguished on the basis of a particular characteristic etc

مِنْطَقَة الهُبَوط

relegation zonebottom part of a sports table

مِنْطَقَة اَلشَّهْوَة اَلْجِنْسِيَّة f

erogenous zoneerogenous zone

مِنْطَقَة اَلْحُكْم اَلذَّاتِيّ اَلْيَهُودِيَّة f

Jewish Autonomous OblastJewish autonomous oblast in Russia

مِنْطَقَة اَلْيُورُو f

Eurozonethose European Union members whose official currency is the euro