Arabisk-Engelsk ordbok »

لَام betyder på engelska

عَلَامَة تَرْقِيم f

punctuation marksymbol used in writing

عَلَامَة تَنْصِيص f

quotea quotation mark

عَلَامَة تِجَارِيَّة f

trademarkidentification of a company's product

عَلَامَة زَائِد f

plus signmathematical symbol

عَلَامَة طَرِيق m

traffic signsign for traffic control or driver information|road sign

عَلَامَة فَصْلِيَّة f

full stopThe punctuation mark “.”

periodpunctation mark “.”

عَلَامَة نَبْر f

accentorthography: mark to indicate accent

عَلَامَةُ جَمْع f

plus signmathematical symbol

عَلَامَةْ تَعَجُّب f

exclamation markpunctuation “!”

عَلَامَةْ هُتَاف f

exclamation markpunctuation “!”

عَلَيْهَا السَّلَامُ

peace be upon herfemale equivalent of peace be upon him

عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَامُ

peace be upon himhonorific phrase used by Muslims


Elamancient civilization

عِيلَام f

Ilamprovince of Iran

غُلَام m

boyyoung male

فَاكِهَة زَهْرَة اَلْآلَام f

passion fruitedible fruit

فَلَامِنْكُو m

flamencoa genre of folk music and dance native to Andalusia, Spain

flamencoa song or a dance in such a style

فْلَامِينْجُو m


قَائِد اَلثَّوْرَة اَلْإِسْلَامِيَّة m

Supreme Leaderhead of state of Iran

قُلَامَة f

clippingpiece of something removed by clipping



كَلَام m

speechan oration, session of speaking

speechvocal communication

wordsomething which has been said

كَلَام اللّٰهِ m

Word of Godsacred teaching, writing or book viewed as the work of God

كَلَام خَفِيف m

small talkidle conversation

كَلَام مُبَاشِر m

direct speechthe writing of speech


verbalof, or relating to words

لُغَةَ الاِسْتِعْلَام f

query languagecomputer language

لُو لَامِنْتِين

Le Lamentincommune in Martinique

مَدْرَسَة إِسْلَامِيَّة f

madrasahschool for Islamic theology

مَعَ السَّلَامَة

byeshort for goodbye|goodbye


مَلَامَة f

blamestate of having caused a bad event

مَلَامِح m-p


visagecountenance; appearance; face

مَلِك السَّلَام m

Melchizedekking and priest

مُعَاهَدَة سَلَام f

peace treatyan agreement to end fighting or conflict