Arabisk-Engelsk ordbok »

رُو betyder på engelska


RuhrA branch of the river Rhine and its basin

رُوزِفِلْت m


رُوزْنَامَة f

almanacbook or table listing astronomical, nautical or other events for the year

رُوس m


رُوس الْكِيِيفِيَّة f

Kievan Rusmedieval principality

رُوسَالْكَا f

rusalkafemale water spirit that leads handsome men to their deaths

رُوسُو f

Roseaucapital of Dominica

رُوسِيَا f

Russiaid=Q159|country in Eastern Europe and North Asia

رُوسِيَّة f

Russianethnic Russian

Russianperson from Russia


Russianof or pertaining to Russia

رُوسِيّ m

Russianethnic Russian

Russianperson from Russia

RussianRussian (language)

رُوسْتُوف f

RostovRostov Veliky, Yaroslavl Oblast, Russia

رُوسْتِي m

röstitraditional dish in Germanophone Switzerland made from fried potatoes

رُوسْيَا الْبَيْضَاء f


رُوش هَاشَنَاه

Rosh HashanahJewish holiday

رُوك m

rockstyle of music

rockstyle of music

rock musicpopular music genre

rock musicpopular music genre

رُوك أَنْد رُول m

rock and rollstyle of music

rock and rollstyle of music

رُولِيت m

roulettegame of chance

رُولِيت رُوسِيّ m

Russian roulettedeadly game with revolver and random spinning

رُولْز رُويْس m

Rolls-RoyceBritish brand - manufacturer(s) of cars, aero engines, etc.

رُومَا f

Romecity, capital of Italy


رُومَا الْقَدِيمَة f

Ancient Romecivilization associated with Rome from the 9th century BC to the 5th century AD

رُومَاجِي m

romajiromanization of Japanese


Romanoffimperial dynasty

رُومَانِيَا f

Romaniaid=Q218|South-Eastern European country

رُومَانِيَّة f

Latin alphabetthe 26-letter alphabet

Romanthe Roman script

Romaniannative of Romania

Romanianofficial language of Romania


Romanof or from Rome

Romanof or from the Roman Empire

Romanianof or relating to Romania, its people, or language