Arabisch-Englisch Wörterbuch »

مِنْ bedeutet auf Englisch

مِنْطَقَة رَاحَة f

comfort zonecircumstances in which a person feels relaxed

مِنْطَقَة زَمَنِيَّة f

time zonerange of longitudes where a common standard time is used

مِنْطَقَة عَشْوَائِيَّة f

slumdilapidated neighborhood

مِنْطَقَةُ حَظْرِ الطَّيَرَان f

no-fly zonean airspace in which aircraft, especially military aircraft, are forbidden to fly

مِنْطَقَةُ مَنْزُوعَةُ السَلَاح

demilitarized zonearea

مِنْظَار m

binocularshand-held device for looking at a distance

telescopeoptical instrument that magnifies

مِنْفَاخ m

bellowsair blower

مِنْفَحَة f

rennetAn enzyme


winnowsomething that winnows

مِنْفَضَة f

ashtrayreceptacle for ashes

مِنْقَار m

beakstructure projecting from a bird's face

billbird's beak

trowelscoop-like gardening tool

مِنْقَل m

brazieran upright standing or hanging metal bowl used for holding burning coal

mangalMiddle Eastern-style cookout, or the grill it is cooked on

مِنْقَلَة f

protractora circular or semicircular tool for measuring angles

مِنْك m


مِنْهَج m

methodprocess by which a task is completed


modestatistics: the most frequently occurring value in a distribution

مِنْوَال m

warp beamwarp roll

مِنْوَل m

warp beamwarp roll

أَبُو مِنْجَل m


أَلُومِنْيُوم m

aluminiumid=Q663|silvery metal

إِفَادَةٌ مِنْ

yieldquantity of something produced

الْمِنْطَقَة الْخَضْرَاء

Green ZoneDistrict of Baghdad

اَلْكُومِنْتَرْن m

Cominterninternational association of Communist parties

اَلْمِطْرَقَة وَالْمِنْجَل

hammer and sicklesymbol of communism

اَلْمِنْهَج التَّارِيخِيّ m

historical methodtechniques and guidelines by which historians use primary sources and other evidence to research and then to write history

اَلْمِنْهَج الْعِلْمِيّ m

scientific methodmethod of discovering knowledge

اِتِّفَاقٌ مِنْ حَيْثُ الْمَبْدَأُ

agreement in principlelegally enforceable agreement

بَدَلًا مِنْ

in place ofin place of

بَرْمِنْغْهَام m

Birminghamcity and borough in England

حَالَة مِنْ حَالَات النُّصْب f

dative casecase used to express direction towards an indirect object

دَيْر وِسْتْمِنْسْتَر m

Westminster Abbeylarge Gothic church

دِفِرْتِمِنْتُو m

divertimentoeighteenth-century composition in several short movements

دِيفِرْتِمِنْتُو m

divertimentoeighteenth-century composition in several short movements

سَكْرَامِنْتُو m

SacramentoSacramento, the capital city of California

SacramentoSacramento, the capital city of California

ضِلْع مُؤْمِنْشَاهِي

Mymensingh DistrictMymensingh District