Arabisch-Englisch Wörterbuch »

لِمَ bedeutet auf Englisch


what forfor what reason; why

whyfor what reason

لِمَ لَا

why notstate one has no objection


what forfor what reason; why

whyfor what reason


whoseof whom (interrogative)


hurtto be painful, to ache

الْكَلِمَات آخِرَة f

last wordsfinal remarks uttered by a person before death

اَلتَّصْمِيمُ الْمُسْتَجِيبُ لِمَوَاقِعِ الْوَيبْ m

responsive web designresponsive web design

اَلْعُصُورُ الْمُظْلِمَةُ

Dark Ageshistoric period

حَالِمَة f

dreamersomeone whose beliefs are far from realistic

عَالِمَة f

scientistone whose activities make use of the scientific method

عَالِمَة سِيَاسِيَّة f

political scientistpolitical science expert


appreciateto be aware of

knowbe certain or sure about (something)

عَلِمَ الطَائِر m

ornithologyscientific study of birds

قَالِمَة f

Guelmacity in Algeria

قَالِمَرَة f

Cagliaricapital city of Sardinia

كَلِمَات f-p

lyricsthe words to a song

كَلِمَات أُغْنِيَة

lyricsthe words to a song

كَلِمَات مُتَقَاطِعَة

crosswordword puzzle

كَلِمَة f

wordid=Q8171|unit of language

wordsomething which has been said

كَلِمَة الْمُحْتَوَى f

content word

كَلِمَة وَحِيدَة f

hapax legomenonword occurring only once

كَلِمَة وَظِيفِيَّة f

function wordfunction word

كَلِمَةُ اللهِ f

wordthe word of God

كَلِمَةُ سِرّ f

passwordcomputing: string of characters known only to a user

passwordword used to gain admittance

كَلِمَةُ مُرُور f

passwordcomputing: string of characters known only to a user

لُعْبَة اَلْكَلِمَات f

punjoke or type of wordplay

مَادَّة مَظْلِمَة f

dark matterparticles of matter that cannot be detected by their radiation

مُسَالِمَة f

pacifistone who loves, supports, or favours peace

مُسْتَلِمَة f

addresseeperson or organization to which something is addressed or sent

receiverperson who receives

مُكَالِمَةٌ فَائِتَةٌ f

missed calla telephone call which the responder does not answer


Guelmacity in Algeria

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