Arabisch | Englisch |
صِلَة f | connectionestablished communications or transportation link connectionfeeling of understanding and ease of communication between two or more people relationshipkinship relevanceproperty or state of being relevant, pertinency |
صِلَة الدَّم الوَاحِد f | blood relationperson |
حُوَيْصِلَة f | bladderflexible sac in zoology follicleanatomy |
حُوَيْصِلَة مَنَوِيَّة f | seminal vesicleseminal vesicle |
عَلَى صِلَة بِـ | to do withrelate or relevant to |
فَاصِلَة | measuremusical designation |
فَاصِلَة f | commapunctuation mark ',' |
فَاصِلَة عُلْيَا f | apostrophethe character ’ |
فَاصِلَة مَنْقُوطَة f | semicolonpunctuation mark ';' |