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نَجَا meaning in English


survivelive past a life-threatening event

surviveobject, concept: continue to exist

surviveperson: continue to live

نَجَاح m

successachievement of one's aim or goal

نَجَاشِيّ m

negusking of Abyssinia (Ethiopia)


successfullyin a successful manner

سُتْرَة نَجَاة f

life jacketAn article of protective clothing

سُتْرَةُ النَجَاةِ f

life preserverbuoyant ring or vest

سُتْرَةُ نَجَاةٍ f

life preserverbuoyant ring or vest

صِدَار نَجَاة m

life jacketAn article of protective clothing

طَوْفُ النَجَاةِ f

life preserverbuoyant ring or vest

طَوْفُ نَجَاةٍ f

life preserverbuoyant ring or vest

قَارِب نَجَاةَ m

lifeboata boat to save shipwrecked people