Arabic-English dictionary »

لَام meaning in English

تَنْظِيم الدَّوْلَة الْإِسْلَامِيَّة

Islamic Statejihadist group|IS

ثَمَرَة زَهْرَة اَلْآلَام f

passion fruitedible fruit

جُزْء كَلَام m

part of speechthe function a word or phrase performs

جُمْعَة الْآلَام f

Good FridayThe Friday before Easter Sunday, the commemoration of the day on which Christ was crucified

جُمْهُورِيَّة إِيرَان الْإِسْلَامِيَّة f

Islamic Republic of Iranid=Q794|full, official name of Iran

جُمْهُورِيَّة بَاكِسْتَان الْإِسْلَامِيَّة f

Islamic Republic of Pakistanid=Q843|Islamic Republic of Pakistan

جُمْهُورِيَّةْ أَفْغَانِسْتَان الْإِسْلَامِيَّة f

Islamic Republic of Afghanistanid=Q889|official name of Afghanistan

حِفْظ سَلَام m

peacekeepingpreserving peace

دَار اَلسَّلَام f

Dar es Salaamcity

دَالَاي لَامَا m

Dalai Lamathe supreme head of Tibetan Buddhism

رُهَاب الْإِسْلَام m

Islamophobiafear or hatred of Islam or Muslims


byeshort for goodbye|goodbye


hifriendly, informal greeting

salaama Muslim greeting

سَلَام m

peaceharmony; lack of conflict in personal relations

peacestate of being free from war

peacetranquility, quiet, harmony; absence of violence

سَلَامَة f

healthstate of being free of physical or psychological disease, illness, or malfunction

integrityquality or condition of being complete; pure

integritystate of being wholesome; unimpaired

safetycondition or feeling of being safe

securitycondition of not being threatened

سَلَامِي m


سَلَامِيَّة f

pacifismdoctrine that disputes should be settled without violence

سُلَامَى m

phalanxfinger or toe bone

سُلَامِيَّة f

phalanxfinger or toe bone

سْلَام دَانْك

slam dunkimpressively forceful dunk

صَانِع سَلَام m

pacifierone who pacifies

صَانِعَة سَلَام f

pacifierone who pacifies

ظَلَام m

darknessstate of being dark

عَلَامَات اِقْتِبَاس f-p

quotation marksNote: ''These languages use “◌”-style marks or other styles as indicated.'' Some are singular and some plural.

عَلَامَة f

brandname, symbol, logo

signa fact that shows that something exists or may happen

symbolcharacter or glyph

symptomsomething that indicates a disease or disorder

عَلَامَة اَلْمَدّ f

macronshort, straight, horizontal diacritical mark

عَلَامَة اِسْتِفْهَام f

question markpunctuation mark

عَلَامَة اِقْتِبَاس f

quotea quotation mark

عَلَامَة تَرْقِيم f

punctuationset of symbols