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صِينِيّ meaning in English


Chineseof, from, or relating to China, its people, its culture, and its language

صِينِيّ m

ChineseChinese food

Chineseperson from China or of Chinese descent

Chinesethe people of China|Han Chinese|overseas Chinese

Chinesethe standard language of China|Mandarin

جَيْش التَحْرِير الشَعْبِيّ الصِينِيّ

People's Liberation Armyarmy branch

حَرْف صِينِيّ m

Chinese characterCJKV character

رَمْز صِينِيّ

Chinese characterCJKV character

طَابِع صِينِيّ m

Chinese characterCJKV character

قَاطُور صِينِيّ m

Chinese alligator

كُرُنْب صِينِيّ m

bok choyChinese cabbage, Brassica rapa chinensis

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