Arabic-English dictionary »

شِي meaning in English


BashirArabic male given name

BashirArabic surname

بَشِير m


evangelistwriter of a gospel

بَقْشِيش m

baksheeshbribe or tip

tipsmall amount of money left for a servant as a token of appreciation

بَلُوشِيَّة f



Bangladeshiof, from, or pertaining to Bangladesh

بَهَشِيَّة f

hollyany of various shrubs or small trees of the genus ''Ilex''

بَهَشِيَّةٌ شَائِعَةٌ f

European holly''Ilex aquifolium''

بُحَيْرَة مِيشِيغَان f

Lake Michiganone of the five Great Lakes

بِينْشِي m

Benxia city of China


Blagoveshchenskcity in Siberia

تَأْشِيرَة f


تَخْتْ جَمْشِيد f

Persepolisancient city of Persia; its modern ruins

تَخْشِيبَة f

cabinsmall dwelling, especially one made of logs

hutsmall wooden shed

shackcrude hut

تَرْشِيح m


nominationan act or instance of nominating

تَعْشِيق m

interfacepoint of interconnection between entities

تَعْشِيقَة f

dovetailtype of joint where adjoining components are fastened by multiple tenons cut into wedge shapes resembling a dove’s tail, which interlock with mortises having corresponding shapes

تَقْشِير m

peelingact of removing the outer surface in strips

تَمَاشِيًا مَعَ

in keeping within accordance with

تُوتْشِيغِي m

TochigiTochigi, Japan

تُوكُوشِيمَا f

TokushimaTokushima, Japan

تِي شِيرْت m

T-shirttype of shirt

تِيتْشِينُو m

Ticinocanton of Switzerland

تْشُونْغْتْشِينْغ m

Chongqinga municipality in western China

تْشِي m

chithe fundamental life-force or energy

تْشِيبَا f

Chibaa city of Japan

تْشِيبُوكْسَارِيّ m


تْشِيبْس m

potato crispthin fried slice of potato

تْشِيتَا f

Chitacity in Russia

تْشِيتْشِيخَار m

Qiqiharcity in Heilongjiang, China

تْشِيتْشِيهَار m

Qiqiharcity in Heilongjiang, China

تْشِيرْكِيسْك m

Cherkesskcity in Russia

تْشِيرْنُوبِيل m

Chernobylcity in Ukraine

تْشِيز بَرْجَر m

cheeseburgerhamburger with cheese

تْشِيز بَرْغَر m

cheeseburgerhamburger with cheese