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شِي meaning in English


HsiChinese surname

XiChinese surname

شِي f

shchia type of Russian soup

شِيئَان f

Xi'ancapital of Shaanxi and former capital of China|Chang'an

شِيبُويَا f

Shibuyaone of the special wards that form Tokyo

شِيتَاكِي m

shiitake''Lentinula edodes'', an edible mushroom

شِيتَه f

cheetahAcinonyx jubatus

شِيث m

Seththe third son of Adam and Eve

شِيجْيَاجْوَانْغ m

Shijiazhuanga city of China

شِيدَر m


شِيرَاز f

Shiraza city in southern Iran

شِيرَج m

sesame oiloil extracted from sesame seeds


sherryfortified wine

شِيرِيمِيتْيِيفُو m

Sheremetyevoairport in Russia

شِيرِين f

Cherinefemale given name


milk-whitehaving a slightly bluish white color, that of milk

شِيزَانْغ m

Tibetshorthand for the Tibet Autonomous Region

شِيزُوكَا f

Shizuokaa prefecture in Japan

Shizuokaprefecture capital of Shizuoka

شِيشَان m


شِيشَانِيَّة f

ChechenA member of the Chechen people

شِيشَانِيّ m

ChechenA member of the Chechen people


water pipetobacco smoking device

شِيشَة f


شِيشِرُون m

CiceroRoman statesman and orator

شِيشْلِيك m

shashlikskewered dish

شِيعَة عَلِيّ

Shi'abranch of Islam

شِيعِيَّة f

Shiitemember of the Shi'a


Shiiteof or pertaining to the Shi'a

شِيعِيّ m

Shiitemember of the Shi'a

شِيغَا f

ShigaShiga, Japan

شِيف m

chefhead cook of an establishment such as a restaurant

شِيفِيلْد m


شِيك m

chequea note promising to pay money to a named person or entity

شِيكَاغُو f

Chicagolarge US city

شِيكُوكُو m

ShikokuJapanese island

شِيكِل m

shekelcurrency unit in Israel

shekelcurrency unit in Israel

شِيلِي f

Chileid=Q298|country in South America

شِيمَانِه m

ShimaneShimane, Japan


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