Arabic-English dictionary »

رِي meaning in English

اَلتَّصْرِيفُ ٱلصَّوْتِيُّ m

phonologystudy of the way sounds function in languages

اَلْإِسْكَنْدَرِيَّة f

Alexandriacity in Egypt

اَلْإِمْبَرَاطُورِيَّة اَلرُّومَانِيَّة اَلْمُقَدَّسَة f

Holy Roman Empireid=Q12548|state

اَلْإِمْبِرَاطُورِيَّة الرُّومَانِيَّة f

Roman Empireancient Latin empire

اَلْإِنْجِلِيزِيَّة اَلْأَمْرِيكِيَّة f

American EnglishEnglish of the United States

اَلْإِنْجِلِيزِيَّة اَلْبِرِيطَانِيَّة f

British EnglishEnglish language as in Britain, especially in England

اَلْبَحْر اَلْأَدْرِيَاتِيّ m

Adriatic Seasea that stretches from the Ionian Sea to the Gulf of Venice

اَلْجُزُر اَلْبِرِيطَانِيَّة f-p

British Islesgroup of islands

اَلْجُزُر اَلْعَذْرَاء اَلْبِرِيطَانِيَّة f-p

British Virgin IslandsBritish overseas territory

اَلْجُمْهُورِيَّة الْفَرَنْسِيَّة f

French Republicid=Q142|country

اَلْجُمْهُورِيَّة اَلْأَرْمِينِيَّة f

Republic of Armeniaid=Q399|official name of Armenia

اَلْجُمْهُورِيَّة اَلْعَرَبِيَّة اَلصَّحْرَاوِيَّة اَلدِّيمُقْرَاطِيَّة f

Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republicid=Q40362|a partially recognised state in Western Sahara

اَلْقَرْنُ الْأَفْرِيقِيّ m

Horn of Africapeninsula in East Africa

اَلْمُشْتَرِي m


اَلْمِنْهَج التَّارِيخِيّ m

historical methodtechniques and guidelines by which historians use primary sources and other evidence to research and then to write history

اَلْوَجْهُ ٱلْبَحْرِيُّ m

Lower EgyptNorthern Egypt

اِبْتِكارِيّ m

innovativecharacterized by the creation of new ideas or things

اِتِّحَاد الْجُمْهُورِيَّات السُّوفْيَاتِيَّة الاِشْتِرَاكِيَّة m

Union of Soviet Socialist Republicsid=Q15180|a country in Eurasia|Soviet Union|USSR

اِتِّصَالٌ بَصَرِيّ m

eye contactaction of looking at another human or animal in the eye

اِثْنَا عَشَرِيّ


اِثْنَا عَشَرِيّ p

duodenumfirst part of the small intestine

اِحْتِبَاس حَرَارِيّ m

global warmingincrease in the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere to cause climate change

اِخْتِنَاق مُرُورِيّ m

traffic jamsituation in which all road traffic is stationary or very slow


optionalnot compulsory

اِسْتَعْمَارِيَّة f

colonialismpolicy of authority over people or territories


figurativemetaphorical; not literal

metaphoricalpertaining to a metaphor

اِسْتِعْمَارِي m

colonialistor or pertaining to colonialism

اِسْتِعْمَارِيَّة f

imperialismthe policy of extending power, by force


colonialof or pertaining to a colony

اِضْطِرَاب الْوَسْوَاس الْقَهْرِيّ m

obsessive-compulsive disordermental disorder


suicidalpertaining to suicide

اِنْتِحَارِيّ m

kamikazesuicidal attacker


victoriousof or expressing a sense of victory


explosivewith the capability to, or likely to, explode

اِنْفْجَارِي m


بَابْرِيكَا f

paprikaground spice

بَاتْرِيْك، پَاتْرِيْك

Patrickgiven name

بَاذِنْجَان أَفْرِيقِيّ m

gilofruit of a species of fruiting plant

scarlet eggplantspecies of fruiting plant