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ذَا meaning in English

اِسْمُ ذَاتٍ m

concrete nounnoun that denotes a tangible thing

اِعْتِذَار m

apologyan expression of regret

اِغْتِذَاء m


بَذَاءَة f

profanityquality of being profane

swear wordobscene or offensive vulgar word

بُرْذَال f


بُوذَا m

buddhaenlightened human

Buddhaspiritual and philosophical teacher

تَمْثِيل غِذَائِيّ m

metabolismcomplete set of chemical reactions that occur in living cells

ثُمَّ ماذَا

so whatreply of indifference

جُذَام m

leprosyinfectious disease caused by ''M. leprae''

حَوْذَان m

buttercupherb of the genus ''Ranunculus''

حِذَاء f-p

footwearitem of clothing that is worn on the foot

حِذَاء m

shoeprotective covering for the foot

حِذَاء رِيَاضِيّ m

sneakerleisure shoes, often worn for sports; trainers

خِدْمَة ذَاتِيَّة f

self-servicethe practice of serving oneself

رَذَاذ m

drizzlelight rain

رِبَاط الْحِذَاء m

shoelacefor fastening a shoe|lace

سَذَاجَة f

gullibilityquality of being easily deceived

سُذَاب m

rueany of various perennial shrubs of the genus ''[[Ruta]]''

سِيرَة ذَاتِيَّة f

autobiographybiography of oneself

curriculum vitaewritten account of one's education, accomplishments, etc.

شَرِكَة ذَات مَسْؤُولِيَّة مَحْدُودَة f

limited liability companytype of company

شَيْء فِي ذَاتِهِ m

thing-in-itselfthing as it is independent of any conceptualization|noumenon

صُورَة ذَاتِيَّة f

selfieid=Q12068677|photographic self-portrait

عَذَاب m

tormentextreme pain

tortureintentional causing of somebody's experiencing agony

غِذَاء m


غِذَاء مَلَكِيّ m

royal jellysubstance secreted by bees

غِذَاء مَلِكَات m

royal jellysubstance secreted by bees

فَقَط إِذَا

if and only ifimplies and is implied by

فِقْدَان ذَاكِرَة

amnesialoss of memory

قَذَارَة f

dirtstain or spot (on clothes etc)


قَذَال m


قُبَّعَة ذَات قَرْنَيْن f

bicorntwo-cornered hat


like thatin that particular manner

sicthus, thus written

so-and-soanything generic

such-and-suchgeneric placeholder


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