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الله (إسلام) znamená v Angličtina

Výsledky: الله
Radšej hľadám toto: الله (إسلام)
الله m

Godsingle deity of monotheism|god|deity

اللهجة الخليجية f

Gulf Arabicvariety of the Arabic language

أَسْتَغْفِرُ اللهَ m


أُمُّ اللهِ

Mother of GodMary, mother of Jesus, as the mother of God or God-bearer|Mary|Theotokos|Our Lady|Queen of Heaven|Virgin Mary

إِنْ شَاءَ الله

God willingGod willing

باسم الله

in God's nameintensifier

حمل الله

Lamb of GodJesus, symbolized as a sacrifice

سُبْحَانَ الله


كلمة الله

Logos(Christianity) the word of God as incarnate

WordCreative word of God

كَلِمَةُ اللهِ f

wordthe word of God



والِدةُ اللهِ

Mother of GodMary, mother of Jesus, as the mother of God or God-bearer|Mary|Theotokos|Our Lady|Queen of Heaven|Virgin Mary